Portable Welding Curtain Making:

The initial thing to do is decide the size of the actual welding curtain. After that calculate and cut the metal to create a rectangle that is somewhat larger than the welding curtain without the frame. After that cut 2 pieces for the outrigger legs that support the stand for the welding monitor. Square up the rectangle and weld. Attach the base outrigger legs. I have seen a few portable welding screens that contain four big ball bearings welded on to allow them slide with no trouble in the ground. I have too seen very little casters attached to allow for simple movement. But not any of this is essential. The portable welding blind will be extremely light and trouble-free to go around. Once you are completed welding, get a few zip ties and fasten the welding curtain to the border. You are completed. In less than 1 hour you be able to with no trouble complete a portable welding screen as of begin to come to an end. At the present that is a valuable asset.