Hi All,
New guy here with no tig experience. I was able to pickup the 200DX few days ago and I am pretty happy with my ventures to tig welding. Being from Toronto I drove directly to the warehouse in Burlington to test/pickup the unit.
Here are some pictures from day 1 to day 2 with about 1hr of figuring out what to do. Yes i did watch the videos from weldingtipsandtrick and I can say Thanks for all those tutorials that help people like myself and probably someone with more experience than a newbie.
day one - pulse off, 100 amp, freq and balance set like the pic above.
day 2 - more practice with same settings on upper right corner
lower right corner and left column - pulse on... im loving the pulse :) it helps me to get the rhythm on when to dip the rod
I am welding on a 1/8th tick alum plate with pulse set to 80 low and 130 high. Any recommendations on the amp for no pulse and with pulse? I notice that the plate is starting to warp. I am using 3/32 rods but do have some 1/16 rods to practice with.