Frosty looking welds with Aluminum? Everlast PowerTig 225LX
Hello fellow Everlast users,
Can you please critique my weld and offer some advice? :D
I've been practicing A/C Tig welding on a 1/4" 6061 aluminum plate and my welds keep having this frosty quality. I turned the A/C Balance (cleaning) down to ~37% (almost all the way to the left) and it looks like marginally better penetration, but I want a shinier/cleaner stack-of-dimes look with better penetration. The arc starts consistently, but it doesn't seem to focus on one spot very well (frequency in the 100-120Hz range) and dances around until I start adding filler.
Machine: PowerTig 225LX
Torch: air cooled hand-held with switch, control in 4T position
Gas: 100% pure argon
cup: everlast #7 cup
Flow: 7L / min
Tungsten: 3/32 2% lanthanated (sharpened to point)
Filler Rod: 3/32 4043
Amps: (I forgot :P)
PreFlow: ~1-2s
PostFlow: ~8 seconds
Pulse: Off
Metal Prep: 80 grit belt sander on surface, followed by rigorous brushing with a steel brush (only used on aluminum). Then, it's cleansed with 100% cotton cloth dipped in acetone.
The bead on the left half-way pictured was done with balance higher in the ~10 o'clock position.