Does the PowerI-Tig200 use the same 47K Pot as the other New Model Foot Pedals?
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Does the PowerI-Tig200 use the same 47K Pot as the other New Model Foot Pedals?
Hello JD
By new foot pedals i assume you mean the lower profile foot pedals ( rounded foot shape pedal) that the US has recently started adding to there units, If so then there are two types the 47k and 23k pots for them. The I-TIG 200 uses the 23k value .
Thanks for the quick response. I was referring to the New Model foot pedal pinout pages in the Technical Bulletins and Tips thread. I was hoping I could put a new pot in my old CT520D foot pedal and use it with my new machine. Are the pin assignments the same as the 47K model?
yes the pin out is the same.
As long as the connectors match up, just remove the old pot (noting the colors and pins on the pot). Mount and solder in the new pot the same colors to the same pints. Should be good to go.
I planned to bypass the 10K outside pot…is that a good plan?