Is there a calculator or resource that has recommended settings based on metal on thickness that you desire to cut?
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Is there a calculator or resource that has recommended settings based on metal on thickness that you desire to cut?
No chart that I am aware of. There are a couple of things to keep in mind. One is the speed that you move, the other is our machines cut a little stronger than most I have used. So others chart will get you close and you might have to back it down a bit.
I normally use 30-40 for 3/8" or less, and 60 (max) over 3/8". I move fast or use a straight edge when I can. But what works for me might not work for others. Old school was, I think, was 1 amp for every 1/100, but like I said our units tend to be a little hotter than most. You can try that though.
The old rule was 50 amps for .5" and 75amp for .75" (3/4"), but if you take our Power Plasma 50, it will clearly cut up to 1" at 50amps and a little more.