250EX Frist Impressions and and few welds...
Got her in the mail today. Gotta say hat was some quick shipping, I ordered it a little after 2pm on Tuesday and it was here at 10am this morning, gotta like that.
Here are a few shots of it first out of the box. I was a little disappointed in the fit and finish. The knobs are not punched on center and some are longer than others. In addition to that one of the retaining nuts on the knobs is different from the others, like they just used what they had lying around. There are some scratches on the bezel, I don't care about that much.
This was also lame. I cannot stand it when people just mashed wires into a terminal. On top of that if you look close you can see where the wires arced when they did the testes at the factory.
No pics of the regulator, we use all types of flow meters so lpm is no biggie for me. I as surprised it had frit on the inlet though, that's a nice touch. It does seem like it has more pressure then the regulator I normally use, it could be the 250EX itself though. When the solenoid opens up you can really hear it kick outta there.
So I set her up at work just to see how it handles some of the tasks I would do with the Precision Tig 225 that's below. I did NOT buy this unit for commercial purposes. I set it up temporally to see how well it matches up to the Lincoln I use everyday.
Look how small it is! I love that!
Holy crap is this torch huge! This is a CK9 flex head with superflex hose, I use this mostly. We have a CK150 for more amps.
Okay now for a little bit of welding, I mean little, I don't have a water cooler for the torch so I can't really get into it. It's a lot louder than the PT225, those fans kick on and stay on, I was surprised by that actually.
Here is a quick shot of a jig I made for tacking up some stainless caps. That's the second piece of aluminum I've ever welded so don't judge me, lol.
Did this first run at 60, 2T mode, no pulse, no up slop, no down slope. It was not nearly as comfortable as the CK9 i would normally use and much harder for me to control. I was much slower with this torch and I couldn't see a thing so I touched a couple times. Never got truly comfortable with it.