New member from CT.
Hi all; I just purchased a 2013 Everlast 250EX tig welder..pretty excited about that.
Last year around this time I purchased a Longevity 256pi multifunction machine. I was so fascinated with the plasma cutter section that i decided to build a cnc plasma table using the Longevity as its power source. To make a long story short, the plasma turned out to be a nightmare , emitting gobs of untameable EMF that destroyed a couple of PCs and some controller components. After a while ,it was time to get a different plasma cutter, and i replaced it with a hypertherm. But to raise cash, at the time,to buy the hypertherm, i had to sell the Longevity machine. In all fairness to the Longevity, It ran well, and it tigged well, it plasma cut well, but it just wouldn't play nice with the cnc components.
I knew i was gonna miss the tig welder.
So i've been watching the Everlasts even before i bought the longevity, I almost bought a Everlast MULTIPURPOSE, last year before i bought the longevity, But they had a great sale and i couldn't resist the longevity.
Fast forward to now; I bought a 2013 250EX. I hear that they won't be shipping till the end of next week. I'm anxiously waiting.
Welcome to the forum, you've made an excellent choice in the 250EX.
The 250EX is a fabulous welder. Many happy owners of that welder on the forum. Welcome.
Thanks for the welcome guys. I'm looking forward to the 250EX . I will try to draw some comparisons to it and the Longevity when i start using it. I didn't have a lot of seat time on the Longevity but i'll try to draw some conclusions, if i have any, as long as that kind of thing isn't frowned upon here.
Congratulations on the purchase. The new layout for 2013 looks great.