powertig 200dx problem
Lol well I'm having a bad run of luck these past two weeks... my procut50p is out for warranty work, I managed to scrape by using a torch to cut designs in 1/8" plate. Go out this morning to finish up the heavier welding with the stick side of my powertig 200dx, and it wouldn't strike a arc... not even on the ground clamp. Took the tweco 250 stinger off and tried another one. No go, even with restarting the machine. Switched to the tig side, and the first pedal push was a dud, the it lit up and tigged. I been noticin the pedal not wanting to work everytime, been meaning to clean it. So I went back to stick mode, and still won't arc, I even held the stinger open and flicked it across the ground clamp... and nothing. It was working Monday when I cut it off? ??? So is there anything I can check? Or work on? I've got a bunch of paying projects on hold now.... because of two busted machines :mad:
Although not ideal, if you have to get some things done, you can always stick weld with the machine in the TIG mode.
Yea buy lol it'd be my luck I'd screw it up and void the warranty. I just don't get why the tig works but stick dont? Im gonna have to pull out the old Lincoln tombstone to try to finish this one.... but i hate a/c stick
I would guess something in the auto hot start circuit has failed. So now you have auto cold start. ;)
Give support a call and maybe they can check some things with you, but I suspect you will have to send it in.
Lol yea cold start/dead start ain't no fun... but i plan on opening it up today and seeing if anything looks fried