First Inverter
Hi all. New guy here
Been reading over new purchase 250EX manual and says don't use pure tungsten (don't have any) and no 1% Zirconiated.(I just bought $60 worth of 2 sizes) ouch.
Question is... why, and are there any other "NO's" for Inverters? Wanting to weld on 1/16" to 3/8" Mild steel, Alum. and Stainless before it's all over. Also nice to know if there is "this is always works better" advice". Again, my first Inverter welder. Thanks in advance.
2% lanthanated works well for everything. 3/32 size will cover most welding. Best price I've found http://www.weldingcity.com/tig-tungs...0-lanthanated/
ABN TIG Tungsten Electrodes 2% Lanthanated Blue 10 Pack 3/32"x7" (2.4mm x 175mm)
I'm with Zoama. 2% lanthanated and I use weldingcity.com. I see the amazon post, probably fine too. Do not get a lot of welding supplies from amazon, but the seem to have everything else.
Thoriated is common and it is not a bad choice. Among the best starts with any tungsten.
OK! Quick response. Making me glad to be on this site. Haven't done a lot of welding other than backyard stuff with MIG and some TIG in a class room. saw many good posts on this Everlast 250EX so took the plunge. Reading manual got me concerned about applications and consumables with this inverter.
I agree about the Lanthanated and have a good supply of it. BUT! that Zirconiated was recommended for the very thin metals for better arc start, which I will be getting into directly and can't afford screwing up this machine investment. I do take a warning seriously when it is in the manual.
I'll keep scouring this site for more insight and again...great forums and thanks for having me.