PowerArc 200ST and 6010 Electrodes
Hey guys, I just recently purchased a PowerArc 200ST to practice pipe at home specifically for its ability to run 6010 electrodes. I hadn't had a chance to try it out until a month after I had purchased it. I seem to be experiencing some trouble with it. I tried running the 1/8 6010 5P+ and the 5P but it will just barely run them. I usually hold a pretty tight arc to begin with but in this case I really had to hold it tight and if I lifted so much as an 1/8 it would immediately go out. If you've ever tried to do a open root 6G on pipe you know how frustrating that must have been. Sometimes, especially on the hot pass you have to long arc a bit to spread and flatten out the bead but that is simply not going to be possible with this machine. I does however run 7018 like a champ and 6011 better than 6010 but 6011 does not behave like 6010 nor is it a good idea to practice pipe root pass with because when it comes time to test the 6010 5P+ is going to seem like something totally different. Also, I would like to add that I did in fact try it out on both the dedicated 6010 port as well as the regular one.
If anyone has had the same experience or is not experiencing this problem with their machine please chime in. I would greatly appreciate knowing if there is something wrong with mine or what needs to be done.