Hello from another Aussie
Hello everybody, I am a 55yo electrician, whith hobbies such as boating and fishing plus just tinkering around and buidling and inventing solutions when there is nothing better available.
I have done bits of basic welding over the years, owned a few MIG machines and still have my original AC transformer stick welder and a WIA 150 MIG but have no good knowlege. Just fiddle untill it looks right and doesn't break.
I have no TIG experience but have bought a 250EX from Bob and Ted at Everlast Australia (Great Guys) I hope to be able to learn how to use this machine well enough to do some respectable looking SS and Al welds around my two little boats and other things, so I am hoping that with the help of anybody willing I can achieve this.
The 250EX was delivered a couple of weeks ago, now have the gas fittings organised and about to fired it up, maybe today. No doubt will destroy some metal, please wish me luck!