New member from Alberta with I-Tig 200
Hello everyone
First I'll start off on some info on myself. I'm a student right now taking electrical engineering and I am building an RB powered Laurel in my spare time(which is seeming to disappear more and more lately!) I have done MIG before when I was younger building some small things. I tried TIG with a friends Miller Maxstar and I knew I wanted a TIG for my car project right then. Since 90% of what I build will be stainless/carbon steel a DC only machine was not ruled out.
I bought an I-Tig 200 from Duncan the day after new years. It arrived with the pedal out of the box and all bent up. A quick email to Duncan and a new one was sent out which I received a few days later.
A couple months have passed and I have had some time to test the machine. Overall I must say I am quite pleased with this machine. Some huge bang for the buck thats for sure.
When I first unboxed it:
I bought the strong hand NOMAD portable welding table. I'm really glad I bought it, really nice for doing smaller fabrication work:
My first few practice passes with the machine. 3/32 thoriated, 1/16 308L:
And using up some scraps:
I realize this stuff isn't the greatest work but I'm showing what I did with it in the first 30 minutes of using it. I'm learning.
Now I'm afraid I have to voice the only thing I am disappointed in. There is no control on what amperage range the pedal uses. It is always 0-200A which can make welding thinner stuff difficult when you have to ever so slightly baby the pedal. I have been experimenting with pulse so I don't have to do this.
And if anyone cares, the project car. It is a 1989 Nissan Laurel with an RB25 swapped in. It put down 465@the rear wheels this summer.
And the dyno video: