Hey Backhoe, Go For GREEN!!!
Based on all the input that this thread has had so far, It's obvious, whether you go for the 200dx, or the 185 micro, you will be getting a unit that will fit your needs. I discovered EVERLAST 1-1/2 years ago, shortly after I made the decision that AC tig was the next step on my quest to become proficient at all phases of metalworking. The first thing I saw was a big poster for the Miller Diversion in the door of the Local welding store. They were running a sale for the diversion 165 for $1495 or the 180 for $1999. A little more research into the used tig welder market got me into an old Linde UCC-305. 1000 pounds, power hog, but cheap. The quest was on for an inverter unit. The LWS where I got the big Linde at was big into one of the other big brands, maroon in color and was offering me a 185 amp unit for $2550, which was half of what I could get a full featured blue or red unit for, but still out of my budget at the time.
Along comes Everlast. First I saw some listings on e-bay, then all the (ridiculous and unjust)hate being spewed at the time on one of the big welding forums. My underdog mentality led me to more investigation, I found Jody's video's on youtube, and I was sold. I've probably done more research relating to small inverter welders (I'll define as 250 amps and down) than 99.99% of the population of people in the market for one, and I'm firmly, totally sold on Everlast. In fact I have my order in for both a New 250EXT AND a 185 micro, The EXT will be in my shop for the main work that I'm aiming to do, and the 185 micro will go with me, when I need to make repairs on-site.
In your situation, I think that while the 185 micro will have you grinning from ear to ear with it's AC balance and frequency controls, the extra couple hundred bucks a 200DX costs is getting you the pulse feature, which in your situation, could prove to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. On one of the welding tips and tricks videos, Jody uses the pulse function while running beads on the bottom of pop cans. Looked to work pretty good. In your application, where a boat bottom may be worn such that the thickness of the metal may vary due to wear, and pulse may save you a headache or two. But then again, I was able to weld pop cans with ease with that big ol' linde too so...Either way you go, you'll be getting a unit that should fit your application perfectly.
Look at the price, the 5 year warranty, and the enthusiasm of the actual owners and users of Everlast welders, your main application, and the decision to buy Everlast should be easy, which model is up to you.
As far as Ron Catchpole, The fact that he only has a couple of posts, and Everlast's responses to him, he just sounds like a disgruntled guy who will never be satisfied. My opinion is that they have done everything reasonable to make things right, and he's still not happy. And, as someone who is currently exploring the option of becoming a dealer myself, him calling himself a dealer is NOT TRUE. There's no way that he could be. My advice would be to ignore the guy.
Best of luck to you!!!