Seems to work fine on 240V, but does not work very well on 120V. At least that is how mine works.
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I have the PU205 and all I can say is it's more than I can ask for, yes you don't get all the bells and whistle's but that's not what I need anyway.
By no means am I a welder but I know my capabilities.
back to the pu205. I set my air at 65psi, amps at 45 and I've cut 3/8 steel with no problems at all and the switch to tig is no more the 1 min.
oh and it's on 220v. this machine (to me) is more than you get for the money you pay.
hope that helps.
I think I would stick with the 200DX. It is tried and true vs. a new release unit. Looks like the 200DX may have new features shortly, you may want to hold out or at least confirm they will be in the unit if you buy one. The footpedal control is different on the 200DX and it has been noted that it may be changed to a more conventional method of control.
When I was looking to buy a welder, I did a ton of research across the board. So many people buy things because they have shiny and neat knobs or has MORE POWER. I looked at it like this: I race a motorcycle that can run nearly 190 mph in a 1/4 mile. If I need more amps to weld something on it than a 200DX will put out, I should probably be taking it to someone who can weld better than I can.
Also, I looked into putting in a higher current 240V outlet, however, I only have a 100A service total at my house. That, coupled with a breaker box that was full pretty much sealed the deal for me.
If you end up making a purchase, keep us posted on how it works out. I am currently looking at a PU205 as a second machine. Actually, a local garage owner I am friends with wants a plasma and he asked me about my welder. I figure it could be a win / win to sort of share equipment. They also have a PU184, but it is a special item that no one seems to have ever even seen, so that pretty much crosses it off the list for me.
Im very curious about the P205 ultra performance on 120V also and whether or not Ken's experience with the unit is the norm.
All good information guys, thanks.
Howdy, I would Highly recommend the 200DX as your first Everlast unit. I currently have the 250EX and the 185 Micro. Although I think the 185 Micro would take care of tour TIG needs nicely and without issue, I think the added feature of being able to plug in a stick electrode for those heavier situations would be worth the extra couple of bucks. Don't worry about pre-flow, I have that setting on my 250EX and keep it near zero. I just tap the pedal a few inches away from the material to get the argon flowing consistently, bring down to the workpiece, and go to work. This has the added benefit of letting you verify on that first arc of the day that you remembered to turn the gas on (don't ask how I would know):D.
If I had a crystal ball, I would guess it would show you being surprised by the amount of aluminum projects that fall into your lap. That being said, another possible option is the MTS line. This would allow you to MIG any aluminum with .040" wire, and gives you MIG, TIG, AND Stick, all in one tidy, economical package. So much so, that one of the bigger manufacturers has a similar unit being made in tha same factory (with a much higher price, less features, and minus the Everlast 5 year warranty. I plan in getting one of these units in to evaluate, and if my business plan allows it, I will mount it in my truck with a generator for field repairs.
As far as plasma goes, I have no direct experience with the Supercut50 or the PowerPlasma50, but there is at least one you-tube video doing a direct, side-by-side comparison between the two, and in the video, the PowerPlasma edges out the Supercut, but they both get the job done. Even though the supercut still has MOSFET technology, it's a good unit, and there's thousands of them in the field with happy owners, or they wouldn't still be offered (with a 5 yr. warranty, I might add). If you opt for the PU205, you're going into a multi-purpose unit, spending more money, and getting capabilities you will already have, welding-wise. Again, I have no direct experience with the unit, but if money is a factor, it's something to consider.
Bottom line, If I was in your shoes, and AC TIG wasn't an absolute deal breaker, and I could use aluminum MIG, a possible suggestion would be to go for the MTS200 for $999.00 and the SuperCut50 for $649.00 Total LIST price of $1649.00 With this suggestion, you would lose AC TIG, But gain MIG, which can be used for aluminum. I am currently NOT a MIG guy, but it's up there on my list, and were it not for the ESAB MigMaster 250 gathering dust in the corner of my shop, this looks like a great place to start.
Another Suggestion is to just spring for the PowerPro205. Here, $1549.00 (list) gets you AC/DC TIG, Stick, AND a 50 amp, pilot arc, IGBT fired plasma cutter, all rolled up in one tidy, neat package. Were I in your shoes, in this situation, the extra $$ you save would come close to affording you the water cooler AND the WP20 torch upgrade. I opted for the water cooler and Everlast WP20 torch with my 250EX, and all I have to say about it is that it's AWESOME! I have even went so far as to buy an adapter setup to run the WP20 on my 185 Micro, and it changes the personality of the machine, just by having the additional comfort level of a small torch.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do!
Hooda thanks for the very informative post. I do think I am after AC/DC capability for sure at this point, and I dont think Im looking for more MIG action just yet.
I think I have settled on the 200DX for my AC/DC tig machine with some functionality and likely all the power I will need in the near future.
Im still kind of stuck on the plasma cutter, though. I think the PP50 is the way to go (over the SuperCut 50 w/Pilot Arc) based on the reviews/videos/forum information Ive gathered.
However, I still have a few questions: for $100 more, I can get the PU205 with 50 amp plasma capability AND have a back-up DC tig/stick machine...why would one consider the PP50 over the PU205? Is the pp50 plasma better than the pilot arc plasma on the PU205?
Ive read about some people having reservations about the multi-purpose units - is there a reliability issue that would tip the scale between the pu205 and the pp50?
Am I correct in noting that both the PU205 AND the pp50 can run on 120v when required (if specified dual-voltage when ordered)?
The dual voltage option is a deal-maker/breaker for me.
Thanks again guys for all of your help.
Check out the power requirements for the PP50 vs. the PU205. If I am not mistaken, the PU205 will operate on a 30A circuit whereas the PP50 may not.
With a multi-process unit, if there is a problem, you are out all the tools if it needs to come in for repair. With the multi-process the duty cycle is 35% rather %65.
Also, the PP50 is blowback so better choice for CNC down the road. Also smaller, I have taken one under trucks to cut things out.
Yeah Im not sure. Im not much of an electrician, but the PU205 says it requires 7500 watt generator, and the PP50 says it requires 8500 watt generator.
According to the manuals posted, however, both are good for cycles of 60% at rated 50 amps, and both are non-blowback type starts. Unless there is a distinct efficiency advantage of one unit vs the other, I cant imagine the current requirements would be different for the same duty cycle at 50 amps output (provided one isnt MOSFET and the other IGBT, which I dont think is the case here).
I was reading one of these threads talking about the amperage requirements possibly being per line, as in while the PP50 specification mentions 50 amp requirement at 220v, I thought that someone was saying that rating is 25 amps per 110v line for a total of 50 amps at 220v. I believe I also read that a 30 amp 220 circuit performed without problems with the PP50, but now I cant find the dang thread/forum/page where I read it.
Mark or Everlast support - can one of you guys chime in here with the 220V breaker requirements to get full use of the PP50 and PU205? If a 50 amp circuit is required, could I get by until the switch on a 30 amp breaker if I limit my cutting current to 40 amps or something? Also, please comment as to the pros-cons of the pp50 cutter vs the PU205 plasma cutter...are there any major differences to consider?
Sorry for the long-winded questions and replies...just looking to get the right stuff the first time.
Thanks again.
See my other post...we must have been replying simultaneously. The manual in the 'manual' section (red button) for the PU205 (may 10) suggests it also has both a 60% duty cycle and is blowback start.
Since I will already have the AC/DC tig unit on hand in the 200dx, I would only be out a plasma cutter if the pu205 went down. Thus, Im down to comparing the plasma cutter on the pu205 to the pp50 and trying to weigh my options here.
Thanks for the input, Mike.
I guess it comes down to this:
Unless there is a significant difference in the quality of the cuts or in the functionality between the PP50 cutter and the PU205 cutter function, the only good reason to get the PP50 for $800 instead of the PU205 for $900 would be due to a known reliability advantage of the PP50 over the PU205.
Am I over-simplifying the comparison (or likely over-complicating it lol)?
PP50 weighs a lot less PP50 = 35 lbs, PU205P = 67 lbs, so if portability is a concern, lighter is better...
Both work fine on a 30 Amp breaker...
As Ken and I mentioned, the weight and being portable.
I've never personally used a PU205. We sell a ton of them. I have used a PP50 and would order another today if needed. I forgot the PU205 had an S45.
It's really up to you. I don't like things bundled, more parts to break and parts to store. But if it will stay as a plasma only most of the time, your logic is sound dollar wise.
Thanks guys...went with the 200DX and a PP50 and they should be here in the next two days!
Those are great choices. I am wanting the 200DX myself. Between these two, you will be able to do everything. (Well, except for Mig)
made a good choice . 200dx is a work horse and by all the stuff i see they very rarely have problems and the plasma cutter kicks butt