That IS a great price. Please do share where you found one at that price. Might be enough for even me to pry open my buttoned-down, zippered and locked wallet .... :D
As usual, the bay of E. There is a surplus place that puts up a couple a week for the past few months.
I also have some flashing on the edges of the headgear, but the helmet was all smooth. They updated the sticker on the box to read "Assembled in the USA with domestic and foreign components". But like the manual, this is printed in 2pt flyspeck font.
Bookmarked that seller. I have two el cheapo helmets I use with my little mig box now, but really want an autodarkening helmet for when I get a tig in a few months. I'll have to keep an eye out for a deal on that Truesight, it looks like an awesome helmet.