Miller makes a lot of different welders... Which one ?
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This machine looks familiar... could it be ??? Attachment 6290
We are having a bit of a problem with the Web people and getting the conversion from Metric to imperial . In fact if you have a look now you will see it is showing 1/16" max weld.
I would just as soon leave this blank for now as i will be working on the Owners Manual at the factory in a couple of weeks .
And Zoama there you go again with the Speculating hmmm.
Sherlock Holmes had a picture of me on his wall. Attachment 6297
Just an update on the 210ext, there was a very small glitch in the programming due to our 60hz power ( this was not found or diagnosed by me ), They shipped another welder with the modified programming and it has been working great. I did switch to a 17 torch, just because I like the regular round handled torches, but over all, it's been a good welder.
You get used to these digital welders real fast, I went to our other shop and was using the 250EX that we have there, and even though its a great welder, it felt strange to not have digital settings.
Now I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but how is it that Zoama can edit Oleg's posts?? (I'm gonna stay on his good side, seeing that...) one of them must be Harry Houdini. :O
Got it Harry..
Duncan has completed the manual...It's loaded to the site. It should have all the specs, plus we have put a tutorial video of it up on youtube, that covers all the specs, step by step.
Watch the video, because it goes over all of that.
Thanks Mark-I'll watch it again. Good Video!
I was hoping the specs would be in writing or in a chart so I could do a side by side comparison to the other Everlast models on my wish list.
No problem, I'll take another look at it.
Are you still doing pre-sales with a discount on the 210 EXT?
So are all the 210 EXTs in shipment, etc. correct for 60 HZ?
Todd, overall how do you like this welder compared to the 250 EX? I guess what I'm asking if the cost were not an object would you do the digital 210 EXT or would you go with a comparable amp DX/EX/LX machine such as the 200 DX OR 225 LX? I'm asking you since you're one of the few that has used the 210 EXT plus knows the "classic" non-digital versions. I have no problems with the digital control vs. knobs. Thanks!
Any idea when this is going to be added to the US site?