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Thread: The new shipment of 256's were said to look different....

  1. Default The new shipment of 256's were said to look different....

    Do you have a pic?
    Any other difference like a power plugin for the cooler?

    Or I misunderstood....
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

  2. #2


    256's do not look different.

  3. Default

    I guess it was my mistake. Any word on shipping dates?
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

  4. #4


    Let's not get into that circle We will announce delivery precisely when we know. Promising a delivery date exactly until we get notice of intent to deliver is akin to fortune telling. But I would say generally: end of March.

  5. Default

    The 256 Testing started this afternoon and will continue tomorrow . There is a bit of a back log right now trying to get everything tested . Next after the powerpro series are the CNC specific 60 amp plasma ( regular 60-70 amp plasmas are ready ) Wating on some parts for the 80 amp units . Hopefully will arrive tomorrow or Monday and then the 315 tigs are next followed by the PU 205pulse and hopefully shipping can be arranged for the end of next week
    The good news from my point is the units that are ready have had both finish testing completed and are now being boxed. When i see this i know the end is near and i can come home.
    Break time is over for me just came up to engneering for a lovely drink of hot water now i have to get back down to the testing floor going to be a late saturday night , but then again i can not really say i have anything better to do this evening.
    Last edited by Titan winch; 03-05-2011 at 09:45 AM. Reason: Spelling

    905 637 1637

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