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Thread: Everlast Tig Welder settings

  1. #1

    Default Everlast Tig Welder settings

    I was wondering if anyone has done a comprehensive write up on all of the features of an everlast powertig machine in regards to usage? basically I'm looking for a written version of the series of videos that goes through all of the settings of a 250ex.

    I find myself watching the video and then going blank when I get out in the shop in front of the machine to practice. I need something to reference with my welder (as well as make my own notes)

    I have seen a couple very nice documents from other sources but there are differences in terminology and how each function is controlled on the machine. As a novice I would like to take out ANY guess work for the Functions of the machine so that I may concentrate on my technique or lack thereof!

    If there isn't one that anyone has or knows of I will probably watch all the videos and transcribe them to paper. I'll make this available when I do.

    hopefully someone has something already though!
    Everlast Powertig 225LX
    Harbor Freight O/A rig
    60 gal air compressor

  2. #2



    The problem that we have is that there are NOT any settings that would take the guess work out of it. Everyone has their own settings and applications. With the multiple combinations and limitless settings it is impossible to provide it. The whole point of "learning" to weld is working with different settings to find the best combination for the job and your style. Jody's settings are his settings,and are good for a general guide, but not meant as anything close to an absolute. In fact the may not work for you at all unless your skill level is up there. Keep in mind the pulse and some of the other features are for advanced users and not best to use starting out. A simple unit is sometimes the best to learn on. I try to explain it this way: Trying to learn to weld with pulse and the other features going at the same time is like a first year med student performing surgery.

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