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Thread: PowerArc 200 welding cable length

  1. #1

    Default PowerArc 200 welding cable length

    I just wanted to check with some PA 200 users. Did anyone change or add to the length of their holder and ground leads? I asked the guy's at Everlast if 50' would be ok to use and they told me yes which sounds ok to me. I just wanted to see what you guy's are using.

  2. #2


    I replied to this over on WW. You could go to 100' with #2 cable.
    Everlast PowerArc 300
    Everlast PowerArc 200
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70
    Hobart Handler 125 EZ
    Lincoln Tombstone AC
    Lincoln Tombstone AC/DC
    O/A outfit
    Honda 11K generator

  3. #3


    Thanks GWD, I checked WW early this morning but did not have any replies so I thought I would do better here. I have some new Carol Super Vu-Tron in #4 I was planning on using. I was going to make them 50'.

  4. #4


    It turns out that #4 cable is rated to go to 150A up to 100'. The smallest cable size for a 200A application is #2.

    There is probably a "fudge factor" involved but if you don't plan on using more than 150A very often it should be fine.

    Another option is to use the #4 as a 10' to 15' stinger if weight is a factor.
    Everlast PowerArc 300
    Everlast PowerArc 200
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70
    Hobart Handler 125 EZ
    Lincoln Tombstone AC
    Lincoln Tombstone AC/DC
    O/A outfit
    Honda 11K generator

  5. Default

    Here's a chart.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Welding Cable Chart.JPG 
Views:	763 
Size:	114.4 KB 
ID:	963  

  6. #6


    That surprises me that #4 is only good for 150 amps, I think I will shorten the ground some to decrease the total length. Most of my stick welding will be 1/8" 7018. I do plan on keeping the cables that come with the machine (they must be #2 ?) for the rare occasion when I might use the ArcAir with some very small carbon.
    Thanks guys

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