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Thread: Hi everybody from Italy

  1. Default Hi everybody from Italy

    Hello everybody,

    I'm Pietro and I write from Forlì, Italy, I'm 45 age old.

    I knew this forum by visiting the Everlast site and I like very much its welders.

    I have a small well-equipped hobbywork and work on my bike or for my friends.

    Currently I have a system with oxygen acetylene flame, welding electrode - Mig and Tig, Stel manifacturer.

    Next purchase a fully functional system with TIG.

    I'm not an expert welder but I love welding, so I have high hopes of improving thanks to my curiosity.

    I'm sure to find good friends in this forum and I apologize for not speaking English well, but Google transator to help me little more.

    See you soon and good welds everyone!


  2. #2


    Great to have you here! Lots of good folks here with plenty of experience. Don't worry about the language issue some of us seem to struggle with it also! Jump right in, ask questions and give your perspective and enjoy the forum!

    Oh yeah, don't forget to look into the "Greenbacks" contest. You could win $1800 worth of everlast equipment. You'll just have to verify you can win from Italy.

    Best regards Zoom (Ducati 748 Monoposto)
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  3. #3


    Welcome MrGixer,

    When you have time, post up some pictures of your bike(s). I think we all like cars, trucks and bikes here. Post future projects as well as past if you have some time.

    Which TIG were you looking at?

    When you are ready to order, PM Oleg here or call our office. On the contest I think it is a US contest only. But check the rules, or maybe you have family in the US.

    Be safe on that bike.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. Default

    Thanks for your advice Zoom, I'm just now asking for an opinion to someone in the forum for the purchase of a welder and will ensure plenty of opportunities to win the contest.
    You have a great bike, think that my city is 70 kilometers from the Ducati factory.
    Best regards... :-)
    Pietro Suzuki gsxr 1100

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Welcome MrGixer,

    When you have time, post up some pictures of your bike(s). I think we all like cars, trucks and bikes here. Post future projects as well as past if you have some time.

    Which TIG were you looking at?

    When you are ready to order, PM Oleg here or call our office. On the contest I think it is a US contest only. But check the rules, or maybe you have family in the US.

    Be safe on that bike.
    Hi MIke,

    just two days ago I had a little correspondence with Oleg about purchasing a welder with accessories, are now waiting for a contact by Jani from Finland, there would not be buying customs fees.
    I work on aluminum, steel, magnesium and other metals used in aircraft or in the field of motorcycles, with thin and more robust so I decided to buy a welding "full tig".
    My choice is oriented in Powertig250EX or Powerpro256.
    I seem to be two very similar machines, and attracts me the possibility of plasma cutting, but my priority is the choice of an efficient and fully TIG implant and Powertig 250EX has the possibility of spot welding.
    Do you can help me?
    Many thanks and best regards.


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