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Thread: extra connection terminals on mutiprocess unit

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  1. #1

    Default extra connection terminals on mutiprocess unit

    I have a Power Ultra 205 multiprocess unit. I'm constantly impressed with the capabilities of this little machine. It will cut nicely on thick steel u(I've cut 5/8 with it very nicely) tig welds as nice as you could want and will stick weld smoothly at very low settings.

    One drawback to multiprocess units is the need to change from tig torch to plasma torch to stick lead and the time that takes to do when you are into a job that requires a lot of each function.
    For awhile I had a really inexpensive little tig/stick unit that had connection terminals for both. I left the tig torch and the stick cable hooked up at all times and just flipped a switch to go back and forth between the two functions. I found that to be very convenient, although the changeover from tig to stick on the Everlast is only the one cable, not really a big deal.

    More important than this feature would be the ability to leave both plasma and tig torches connected at once. This would probably require a fair bit of plumbing/wiring inside the machine and would add some cost, but it would really enhance usage of the multiprocess unit when doing a job that requires constantly going back and forth between functions. I think most of us already have the input hoses setup with a quick connect and valving so that both air for plasma and argon for tig welding can be kept hooked up at once, just turn the valves when changing functions.

    Have you fellows at Everlast already mulled this idea over?

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  2. #2


    In fact, yes our factory can produce them. However, as you said, it increases cost. It also reduces portability as it requires a much larger case. The other issue is that the fittings used must be proprietary if the torches do not share the same Dinse style fitting. This leads to more complaints. Also, it leads to more circuitry, and reduced reliability. We have chosen this style for a purpose. IF a customer needs a multiprocess, then there are compromises at this point that will be made. Unless a customer really needs the convenience of a multi process,separate unit, going with separate units is always the best and preferred route.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    In fact, yes our factory can produce them. However, as you said, it increases cost. It also reduces portability as it requires a much larger case. The other issue is that the fittings used must be proprietary if the torches do not share the same Dinse style fitting. This leads to more complaints. Also, it leads to more circuitry, and reduced reliability. We have chosen this style for a purpose. IF a customer needs a multiprocess, then there are compromises at this point that will be made. Unless a customer really needs the convenience of a multi process,separate unit, going with separate units is always the best and preferred route.
    You're right, the operator should expect a little changeover time with a mutiprocess unit.

    I'm in need of an AC tig now but don't want to part with the Power Ultra 205 so I might just leave it set up full time as a plasma cutter and purchase a 250ex for all the shop tig welding. That way I'll have the extra duty cycle of the 250ex (over the 256)

    A standalone 50 amp plasma cutter is roughly the same cost as the 205 was, so there is really no loss there. On top of that the dual voltage capability and portability of the little 205 can come in handy if something needs to be welded or cut away from the shop.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    I don't mind changing the DINSE style connections by hand, which my machine uses for the stick welding lead and the ground clamp lead, but not for the TIG torch and plasma cutter leads. The DINSE connector is really simple to untwist by hand, stick in the desired hole, give a quick twist, and good to go.

    The TIG torch and plasma cutting torch fittings however I find much less convenient. I generally use a wrench and gently snug the hex head union nuts to ensure a good electrical and pressure tight connection, but its a bit of a hassle needing to dig out a wrench. Switching between TIG torch and plasma torch is one of the reasons I don't use my plasma cutter very much.

    As to leaving in stick welding and TIG welding leads connected at the same time, my machine allows this but its a bad idea I think because both TIG torch and stick electrode holder would be energized at the same time. I would only want the one I'm useing to be energized, for safety. (Also it might cause problems starting an arc when TIG welding if the high frequency were leaking out the stick electrode holder.)

    I have an idea. It would be a lot easier to switch between TIG torch and plasma mode if the TIG and plasma lead connector nuts had a large "hand tight" wheel over them, allowing secure installation without a wrench. I'm envisioning a hand tight wheel such as like can be found on some CGA cylinder fittings. (See attached picture for an example of a "hand tight" nut.)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	handtight_CGA580.JPG 
Views:	225 
Size:	23.8 KB 
ID:	1046  
    '13 Everlast 255EXT
    '07 Everlast Super200P

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