I have a Power Ultra 205 multiprocess unit. I'm constantly impressed with the capabilities of this little machine. It will cut nicely on thick steel u(I've cut 5/8 with it very nicely) tig welds as nice as you could want and will stick weld smoothly at very low settings.

One drawback to multiprocess units is the need to change from tig torch to plasma torch to stick lead and the time that takes to do when you are into a job that requires a lot of each function.
For awhile I had a really inexpensive little tig/stick unit that had connection terminals for both. I left the tig torch and the stick cable hooked up at all times and just flipped a switch to go back and forth between the two functions. I found that to be very convenient, although the changeover from tig to stick on the Everlast is only the one cable, not really a big deal.

More important than this feature would be the ability to leave both plasma and tig torches connected at once. This would probably require a fair bit of plumbing/wiring inside the machine and would add some cost, but it would really enhance usage of the multiprocess unit when doing a job that requires constantly going back and forth between functions. I think most of us already have the input hoses setup with a quick connect and valving so that both air for plasma and argon for tig welding can be kept hooked up at once, just turn the valves when changing functions.

Have you fellows at Everlast already mulled this idea over?
