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Thread: PowerPro 205 New Features?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb PowerPro 205 New Features?

    Hey guys, talked with Alex on the phone yesterday, about purchasing a PP205, it had been maybe 2 months since I last talked to him, I didnt want to keep him on the phone too long, but he mentioned somthing about some new features on the 205 since we last talked.
    I tried looking around on the site and on the forum for some info on the new features, but couldnt find anything, can you guys help me out?
    From what I remember, he mentioned somthing about features from the 256..and 250amps?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  2. Default

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    Here is the Face for the 205 you can see the Parameters and functions have been improved. You can also see the added CNC outlet at the rear of the unit.

    905 637 1637

  3. #3


    awesome! thanks for the quick response and detailed pics!
    so from the pics, i notice the changes to:
    pluse freq. (more range) and amp setting (% VS amps)
    up and down slope time now 0-10 vs 0-5
    added pre flow 0-10
    added start and end amps
    added more numerical refrence points
    CNC outlet on rear panel
    added cut/psi led?
    all great stuff man!!
    i absolutly cannot wait to get mine!!!!!!!
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  4. #4


    We have been holding it close to ourselves about the improvements. I guess now the calender stopwatch starts for our competition to catch up. lol We have been working with the factory on ensuring adjustments are more linear. While they are not be 100% perfect in all cases, the numbers will be fairly close, if nothing else, they will be a good reference point for repeatability in settings. There are more tick marks to allow finer tuning as well, that should in most cases represent fairly close whole number values, by 2's, 5's 10's etc...though not in all cases. The round dots should be a little easier on the eyes when setting as well. The older ones weren't very favorable to either repeatability, or readability.
    Don't forget, there is NOW an off switch for the pulse. Its not that the pulse couldn't be neutralized before, but its that it took messing with the pulse amps knob to get the pulse to shut down. Now, you just leave things where they were, and shut it off. The feature you did bring out, is that the pulse is operated by percent, not actual amps. In this style of pulse, it will agree with foot pedal operation more, though I still recommend pulse for the torch switch....But if people like to watch dogs chasing their tails, they will like the way the pulse operates much better with the foot pedal. lol.

    There is a dual range pulse just like some other units as well, though the higher range is lower, it is definitely a much better pulse range...though I believe most people will still be using it mainly in the .5 or so range for timing their dips.
    The cut psi led is added. It indicates when cut psi is OK....not when it is deficient. We will still have the regulators in the back. I have had a call or two on this to ask us about it because they have noticed some other companies are adding it to their front, which really does not make sense on a multi process, especially when using a single front connector for the torch. Running argon through a second regulator geared toward pressure regulation, creates problems in setting and proper regulation. The more direct the path of flow of argon to the torch, the better.

    Oh, and if anyone cares, a new Everlast logo we brought out in November on the panel fronts.
    Last edited by performance; 03-08-2011 at 05:07 PM.

  5. #5


    Looks like a lot of nice features now on this unit. Would it be fair to say that the only major difference now between this and the PP256 is the amperage? As a hobbyist, I don't think that I need all the power of the 256.
    CH 110 mig/flux
    Looking to step up to Everlast tig

  6. #6


    Wow that is sweet. Any chance I could get one of those panels for my 256? It looks like it would fit fine. I like the cicrular tick for the frequency and balance.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 205
    HF 90 am inverter tig
    Scopes, Scanners, Meters

  7. Default

    You guys are the srtrongest dogs I know with regard to customer service and improvements. Humminbird does a pretty good job, but you guys are even better.
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

  8. #8


    There are frequency differences...not as much and they won't have the low AC amp start, with about 20 amps being the minimum. There are differences, still. We aren't wanting to kill off the 256's sales. Each unit will have its place.

  9. #9


    For us newbies, could you explain how this would affect the practical use of the 205 vs the 256? Also, what, if any, differences is there in welding capability between the muti-purpose PowerPro units and the weld only PowerTigs?

    CH 110 mig/flux
    Looking to step up to Everlast tig

  10. #10



    For newbies, it is hard to get into detail. Its basically going to depend upon your needs. The changes made to the unit do not affect function of the unit one bit with general foot pedal use except for the way the pulse functions. The only place you will see any difference is in the torch switch operation. The pulse only gains maximum efficiency and practicality with the torch switch as well.

    Yes, I believe, that the dedicated powertigs are better units with all things considered. Less to go shared components. The 250EX has the 5 amp start on both AC and DC. Its not that the multi process units are awful or bad or anything, its just that from a purely mathematical standpoint, they will have more problems. They are heavier from the additional components needed, and overall, less room for components, hence, less tolerance for abuse. Changing out torches frequently also lead to disadvantages in production. When/IF a component goes out, you not only loose that component while you send it out to have it repaired, you loose them all. Having separate units is better for most people...
    Many "newbs" see it as a chance to shave off a little money...which attracts many customers. However, these units were meant initially for other markets. They were intended for portable repair and factory repair situations, and never for fabrication use. The rub comes with the customers when they realize the limitations. I have never had a customer call me back up and say they wished they had bought an all in one instead of a separate unit. Yet I have had customers call me up and tell me they wished they had bought a separate unit, instead of a all in one. Yes, we are adding CNC, and we will see how it goes, but they should not be bought for dedicated use as a CNC cutter either.

    OK, now that I have brought the units down a little, let me build them up, hopefully outlining their appeal and function.

    1) Yes, they are decent units with exceptional value.
    2) Compact and portable. If a customer needs to travel around a bit, A single unit, is better than two.
    3) They weld smooth as any of the competitor's dedicated units.
    4) Plasma cutting capacity is very good, though I feel it may be slightly less than the dedicated units.

    Even though they weren't intended for the hobbyist market, they will make a hobbyist a decent unit as long as they understand the advantages and disadvantages alike and still feel that it will fit into their needs. However, if a customer is expecting to "expand" their hobby, the customer will generally want to buy two dedicated use units after that. The money they saved initially comes back to cost them more in the end.

  11. #11


    Mark, thanks for the detailed reply. I think I have a good grasp of the pros and cons. I am not quite sure what the 5 amp start feature, or lack there of, means in terms of function. I have an idea and it may be a stupid question, but you know what they say...

    Thanks again.
    CH 110 mig/flux
    Looking to step up to Everlast tig

  12. #12


    5 amp low end is helpful on welding razor blades, and coke cans.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Queensland, Australia


    You sure know how to spoil a bloke’s day! I recently bought the previous PP205 but really wanted the pre-flow and higher freq pulse features of the PP256. Unfortunately the 256 is only available in three phase over here. Now you’re telling me the 205 comes complete with all those features! Bummer.

    Seriously though, good to see you’re keeping ahead of the competition.

    Brisbane Australia.

  14. #14


    I agree 99.9% with Mark, and over the phone I have explained these short comings to many pre-sales.

    For a hobbyist, they are a good "starting" unit. Also, if you are very limited on space or money.

    If you just CUT sometimes, TIG sometimes, or stick sometimes they are fine. If you TIG and cut at the same time, a lot of time is lost moving gas hoses and torches. They have there place, but I to prefer and recommend separate units as for any welding/fab shop.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  15. #15


    finally got my order completed yesterday!
    was told ~2.5 weeks till they have them.

    im super excited!!
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  16. Default

    [QUOTE=AussieChris;6703]You sure know how to spoil a bloke’s day! I recently bought the previous PP205 but really wanted the pre-flow and higher freq pulse features of the PP256. Unfortunately the 256 is only available in three phase over here. Now you’re telling me the 205 comes complete with all those features! Bummer.

    Seriously though, good to see you’re keeping ahead of the competition.

    there is a Single Phase Power Pro 236 for the australian market that was sent out last night along with my Canadian Order. These are scheduled to be onboard freighters on Monday.
    I am scheduled to be onboard Air Canada 086 tomorrow night and then back home in Toronto for 6 - 7 weeks before my next order is ready to produce then it is back to the factory for a few weeks]

    905 637 1637

  17. #17


    Wow! The 205 sure makes me second guess the 225LX! It seems to have more functions but only slightly less amperage.
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

  18. #18



    We will slowly plan some changes for all the units...But keep in mind not all units will be mini EX's. There's just not enough price difference to support it.

    The 205, once in stock will reflect the features in the price. Early orders probably will receive the same old price, but probably not for long.

    Now with that said, if you are only oriented to the footpedal, these added features WON'T make a hill of beans of difference in the performance of the welder. The added features are only for use with the torch switch...See, that's what gets people very confused. They see switches and drool appears in the corner of their mouths, but they may not be aware if they insist on using the foot pedal, that there is no improvement for them. A increase in pulse frequency , yes it is a little different, but still, pulse is best used with the switch too.

  19. #19


    I tend to feel that way a little bit about my 256. When I purchased it, I didnt know what I know now. It has been a great unit, dont get me wrong. But I use the plasma Only rarely, and try to use it as a dedicated tig. I may be deluding myself, but I figure if I dont push it, maybe It can perform like a dedicated unit. I only cut with it if it's a shape or contour that would be intensly difficult to make any other way. So I dont use it as an excuse not to stock up on bandsaws, grinders, holesaws, jigsaw, etc etc. It has served me well. I was new to tig welding when I purchased that machine. Not an old hand by any means, but I've run a bead or more every day for a year and done research and read up every day too. Not brand new anymore. If I could do it again, I would buy a 250ex. Mods please feel free to delete this post if you think it reflects badly on everlast machines. That is not my intention, and I have NOTHING but GOOD things to say about everlast and your machines. Thats why I keep buying them. Just a little reconsideration of a personal choice I made.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 205
    HF 90 am inverter tig
    Scopes, Scanners, Meters

  20. #20


    I am very partial to my torch switch foremost but feel I must try to master the footpedal also to be worth a poop at this tigging thing. The truth is I don't really regret my machine. So, I suppose my comment is a little "tongue in cheek". On the other hand, I've owned my machine a few months now and I, like Wrenchtamer feel I have a much better picture of what should have been important when i decided on the 225LX. I realize now the ability to dial down to really low amps in AC are much more important to me than what the max amps available are. I guess it boils down to finesse, not power. The 225LX has solid characteristics in both areas, I just took a best guess as to what would suit me after research and got it Ohhh, 98% or more right.
    Last edited by Zoomie; 03-11-2011 at 01:23 AM.
    PowerTig 225LX
    PowerCool W300
    PowerPlasma 60S
    Miller 140 MIG

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