Originally Posted by
single t,
We will get it fixed. I will find out what the repair schedule is looking like as soon as I can. Although I don't know exactly when you bought it, but as a general aside here....The incidence you describe is why we give a 30 day period covering shipping so the units can be used, and thoroughly given a good workout of ALL processes. We encourage our customers, and it is included in the warranty statement that the units should be thoroughly checked out and used during this time....This is a guideline given to the customer and we give it a for a good reason. Most failures will happen withing the first 30. If you did not take advantage of this time, then it is beyond our control. I don't have any idea why customers buy a unit and delay for some time before using it. Not trying to defend a failure here, but just trying to get it across that we do give plenty of "encouragement" to fully "test" the machines during that 30 day period.
We have shifted our warranty (it has always been included as an option on our part) to a repair primary, replacement secondary warranty. It is working overall much better than before for most customers. During the transition, we have hit a slight backlog due to several machines waiting on service being shipped to the center in MN. We've had a few issues with a chip in the unit, limited to a batch of boards from your production date it appears by your registration date. Not all are giving trouble, but enough to be able to reliably diagnose the problem 99% of the time. It'll usually happen soon after it is used if it is going to. But we have made some modifications...It appears the chips could have been overheated during assembly. Its a simple fix, but it can be annoying. Shipping is to MN, more centrally located in the US from W to E than CA. Not the East coast, but better than it was.
A 30 day defect/return warranty policy is a joke considering Everlast ships the product 'whenever', with little if any notice.
Are folks supposed to be expected to be set-up ready to rock & roll, to completely test your product? Shouldn't YOU be testing the product BEFORE you send it to us???
& enough with the "blame everything on UPS" nonsense, I get things from UPS at least once a week (at the job they deliver twice a day) & in 15yrs you can count 'UPS damaged' items on one hand.
Last edited by ASE_MasterTech; 04-01-2011 at 05:18 AM.
-at the job-
Miller Dynasty 200DX
Miller Syncrowave 350
MillerMatic 250 (several)
Millermatic 350
Miller Bobcat 250 (Service Truck)
Lincoln AC225 (many)
Miller Spectrum 625 Plasma (several)
-At Home-
Everlast PP256
Longevity 256PI
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.."