My name is Robert I live in Mountain Home Arkansas.

Right after high school, I went to the local VO-Tech and attended the welding class they offered. 18 mo. Later I was production welding in a plant in Little Rock Arkansas, and discovering that the last 18 mo. Hade taught me just enough to get me in trouble, because I was 18 and knew it all, DUH I just graduated from welding school and was a Rock Star Welder didn’t you know.
P.S. Besides what could a gray headed old 40 years on the job old man have to teach me? (The Rock Star)

Well it turns out a lot is what he had to teach, and after I figured out I was not a Rock Star Welder, Hell I wasn’t even a good Polka Welder. I did decide to listen to what he had to say, and yes he taught me a lot more than I thought. I even learned he had a name it was Danny.
After about 6 years of welding everything from barges, cyclones for concrete plants, structural steel, and even stainless steel fixtures for Kimberly-Clark. One day I thought I needed to know what those things I had been welding for Kimberly-Clark was. Danny said they were parts for their TAMPON machine. WOW yet another blow to my, I am a welder welding manly steel things ego.

OK let’s speed this up a little. This is about the time the company promoted me to the maintenance shop. They sent me to school at night and I worked during the day, the longest 3 years of my life. But after the PLC school, Machinists school and intro to Industrial electricity. I was glad to receive the school and this time I did not think I was a ROCK STAR and I learned a lot.
After 14 more years in the middle of the great downturn of 2008 the company went under. Now I work for myself in my home shop, and I love it. The work is good and steady.
I have a strict don’t buy it if you can’t pay for it policy which has served me well. And by the work is good and steady I don’t mean I am rich, I have 3 kids and a wife. So I am always looking for a bigger bang for my buck.

About 2 mo. ago I bought my first EVERLAST machine, a Power Plasma 50 and 75 pack of extra consumables from Duncan. And now I am most of the way through the consumables, I can say I will be calling Oleg to order more machines for my shop.
And that just about covers it all. I will be around on the forum and will be willing to help where I can.