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Thread: Plasma Safety

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  1. #1

    Default Plasma Safety

    Hey guys, I have a question about eye protection while cutting with a plasma. I have been using my auto dark helmet while cutting with my PP 50 and the problem I have encountered is that on the lowest setting 9 I can't see what I'm doing. I have been looking into buying a set of shade 5 safety glasses from hellraiser and I kind of wanted to know what you guys are using. Like everyone else my eyesight is very important to me but as of yet I have not found a definitive answer on plasma cutting and eye protection.
    Powerplasma 50
    Miller 211 autoset
    Northern industrial dry cut
    Hobart 11 KW gen welder
    AO torch

  2. #2


    My helmet lets me manually set it to 5 when using my Cut50D. If your helmet won't let you go that low, then a set of safety glasses with 5 tint should work good.
    Everlast Power I-MIG 200
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  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by kenwhite View Post
    My helmet lets me manually set it to 5 when using my Cut50D. If your helmet won't let you go that low, then a set of safety glasses with 5 tint should work good.
    I have some sample helmets that i am seriously considering ( Mark has been evaluating the one style for the last few months ) these have the grinding function and the lower settings 5 is the shade i find best suited for using the plasma as well

    905 637 1637

  4. #4


    So basically, the same goggles with a #5 lens, that you would use for Oxy/Acetly cutting, should be O.K. for plasma cutting? Is that correct?
    Everlast PowerPro 256
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by dirtyfarmer View Post
    So basically, the same goggles with a #5 lens, that you would use for Oxy/Acetly cutting, should be O.K. for plasma cutting? Is that correct?
    That's what I use, they look like fancy safety glasses (UV and shade 5) and you can find them all over the internet from $8 on up. The helmet idea works too, but bulky for me and the shade will not switch on by mistake due to HF or flashes as well.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6

    Unhappy update

    Ok guys here is an update. My dad went and bought a set of what I believe to be class 3 cutting goggles today. About three cuts in and I took them off and told him to take them back. Tried to use my dark sunglasses once and took them off and put my helmet back on. I ordered a set of class 5 hellraiserand they should be here by next weekend. I'll report back then. Thanks for all the good input.
    Powerplasma 50
    Miller 211 autoset
    Northern industrial dry cut
    Hobart 11 KW gen welder
    AO torch

  7. Default

    Powercat, I too felt like my auto-darkening helmet was a little too dark when cutting, but like yours, it wouldn't go below 9 either. I caught the auto-darkening red-flame helmet on sale at HF for around $45 and LOVE IT! Large viewing window and has a "cutting" setting that makes it PERFECT for my plasma use, as well as for grinder use. I can keep the same helmet in play as I bump back and forth between my cutter and welder. The setting knob is on the exterior, so just remember to bump it back up for welding. Oh, and it has a solar panel as well.

    Hobart Handler 187
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Victor Torch Set

  8. #8


    osha "recommends" shade 8, but allows for a lighter shade if necessary.

  9. #9


    Where can I find safety glasses with a #5 lens that goes over eye glasses?
    Everlast I mig 205
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  10. #10
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    Last edited by Robert s; 03-29-2011 at 06:20 AM. Reason: found more

    Esab Migmaster 250
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    Miller Dynasty 200 DX TIG
    CNC Express SQ Mill
    CNC Lathe 1236
    Plate Shear 12"
    12" Slip Roll
    4 Ton Notcher
    4 Ton Hand Punch
    52" 18 Gauge Foot Shear
    48" Pan & Box Brake
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    50" Slip Roll
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  11. #11
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    I too use a #5 shade set of (Jackson Nemesis glasses $9), and found them to be the ones that I like the best. I also have tried #3 but found them to be to light. And yes I know what OSHA says but, it was too dark to see what I was cutting. Always protect your eyes and if it seems to bright then it most likely is.

    I don’t like to weld or cut while being blinded by a flash, and I don’t personally know any good blind welders.

    Esab Migmaster 250
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Miller Dynasty 200 DX TIG
    CNC Express SQ Mill
    CNC Lathe 1236
    Plate Shear 12"
    12" Slip Roll
    4 Ton Notcher
    4 Ton Hand Punch
    52" 18 Gauge Foot Shear
    48" Pan & Box Brake
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    I don't owe anyone a dime, but I get paid to lay them down

  12. #12


    Talking about Jackson, another option over glasses and goggles, Jackson makes a nice full face #5 shield for (about $18-20 around here).

    You can use it for grinding as well as plasma cutting. Light weight and good quality. If you tend to MIG and tack with your eyes closed (I know some of you do), having this shield on is a plus as well with the UV protection.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Mountain Home Arkansas


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Talking about Jackson, another option over glasses and goggles, Jackson makes a nice full face #5 shield for (about $18-20 around here).

    You can use it for grinding as well as plasma cutting. Light weight and good quality. If you tend to MIG and tack with your eyes closed (I know some of you do), having this shield on is a plus as well with the UV protection.
    The full face shield is a very good idea, and they are available at a good price. We own one and my son uses it all the time.

    And yes all welders develop some bad habits along the way. Except for me of course, I always refer to the welder’s handbook
    before I start the day, just as a refresher.


    Esab Migmaster 250
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Miller Dynasty 200 DX TIG
    CNC Express SQ Mill
    CNC Lathe 1236
    Plate Shear 12"
    12" Slip Roll
    4 Ton Notcher
    4 Ton Hand Punch
    52" 18 Gauge Foot Shear
    48" Pan & Box Brake
    Spot Welder
    50" Slip Roll
    English Wheel
    Bead Roller
    Planishing Hammer
    60" Hand Brake
    7" x 12" Bandsaw
    Hand Tools
    Shop (TOO SMALL !!!!! )
    I don't owe anyone a dime, but I get paid to lay them down

  14. #14


    Funny Robert. Everyday huh while having breakfast I bet.. You should have it memorized by now.

    So you think you own enough tools, or just ran out of room for now? Very nice collection. Can you tell I am jealous

    A friend of mine uses a #5 face shield to MIG all the time (not recommended). He is 71, so figure to late to teach him now. I gave him one of our helmets that hangs nicely on a 330 tank.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Mountain Home Arkansas


    Funny Robert. Everyday huh while having breakfast I bet.. You should have it memorized by now.
    No not memorized yet, slow learner ya know.

    So you think you own enough tools, or just ran out of room for now? Very nice collection. Can you tell I am jealous
    Never enough tools, just too small a shop. But I am adding on as we speak.

    A friend of mine uses a #5 face shield to MIG all the time (not recommended). He is 71, so figure to late to teach him now. I gave him one of our helmets that hangs nicely on a 330 tank.
    Not recommended, but the helmet would be a good hood ornament for that 330. I will give it a try.

    Esab Migmaster 250
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Miller Dynasty 200 DX TIG
    CNC Express SQ Mill
    CNC Lathe 1236
    Plate Shear 12"
    12" Slip Roll
    4 Ton Notcher
    4 Ton Hand Punch
    52" 18 Gauge Foot Shear
    48" Pan & Box Brake
    Spot Welder
    50" Slip Roll
    English Wheel
    Bead Roller
    Planishing Hammer
    60" Hand Brake
    7" x 12" Bandsaw
    Hand Tools
    Shop (TOO SMALL !!!!! )
    I don't owe anyone a dime, but I get paid to lay them down

  16. #16


    UVR is made up of several combinations of radiation,UVA, UVB, and, UVC. UVB which makes up less than 2% of UVR is the bad boy responsible for most skin cancers, and that nasty sunburn you got when you passed out in your lawn chair after a 12 pack. Nearly all sun screen protects against UVB. I personally use sunscreen every day and when I am welding or plasma cutting I use an spf 60 especially on my face. If I was a full time welder I would use a full hood but for as much as I use the plasma cutter I run more of a risk of getting skin cancer being out mowing my lawn than I do welding or cutting.
    Powerplasma 50
    Miller 211 autoset
    Northern industrial dry cut
    Hobart 11 KW gen welder
    AO torch

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