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Thread: Tig Cooler Coolant ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Palm Beach Fl.

    Default Tig Cooler Coolant ?

    I am anticipating the arrival of my new Everlast Power Cool 300 soon, (this month I hope) so I was wondering, do I need coolant ? It is not likely to freeze down here. Are there other benefits to having coolant like anti corrosion, rust inhibiting or just keeping the water from getting full of algae? Is there a brand that is better than the rest or are they about the same.Where is a good place to buy this coolant? Sorry for the string of questions but I just want to be ready when my cooler arrives.
    Power Tig 250 EX
    Miller 211 Mig
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Victor Torch

  2. Default

    I'm using RV anti freeze that's typically used for winterizing the plumbing so the lines don't burst.

    I decided on it since 1.) I already had it and 2.) I did an Internet search and it was the most widely used after the welder type coolants.
    Powertig 225LX

  3. #3


    I started with just using straight pink RV anti-freeze in my DIY cooler, then added some waterpump lube because the 12v intank fuel pump I was using was happier with something slippery and the anti-corrosion additive helped too. But, after about a month, algae started growing in the tank, instead of buying some algaecide (@ $10 for a small bottle), I quit the home mix and bought 2 gallons of "Industrial Suprene, low conductivity, antifreeze/coolant" ($20.50 / gal) at the LWS. It has all the above already in it.
    Everlast PowerPro 256
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach Fl.


    Thanks for the replies, this is some good information. I will start to shop around now.
    Power Tig 250 EX
    Miller 211 Mig
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Victor Torch

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fridley, Minnesota

    Default Why not Dexcool or other automotive?

    Is there any particular reason that we couldn't use dexcool ar at least a weak solution?
    I have a Bernard 3 gallon water cooler and the LWS said to use distilled water and/or the official stuff he had (anchor brand version of miller's coolant, $14.75/gal.) I got the anchor brand, and it says it has ethylene glycol and deionized water and protects down to 19F. Sounds to me like watered doen antifreeze, minus the coloring.
    "It's not magic it's experimental, kind of like washing your hands after pooping used to be." -House

    Everlast PowerTig 250EX-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerCool W300-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerTig 185 Micro-arrived 1-26-2012
    Everlast PowerPlasma 70-arrived 1-26-2012
    ESAB MigMaster 250-borrowed
    HyperTherm 151 AKA "The Light Sabre"
    Linde UCC-305-964 lb. of old time water cooled TIG love-SOLD-Bad MOJO

  6. #6


    Distilled water is factory recommended for temperate climates.

    Hooda, green and other auto antifreezes have a problem with "robbing" HF, making starts more difficult. RV or the stuff made for tig coolers is the only recommended product.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    West Palm Beach Fl.


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Distilled water is factory recommended for temperate climates.

    Hooda, green and other auto antifreezes have a problem with "robbing" HF, making starts more difficult. RV or the stuff made for tig coolers is the only recommended product.
    Do you think I that the Distilled Water will grow algae down here in S. Fl. where its hot most of the time?
    Power Tig 250 EX
    Miller 211 Mig
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Victor Torch

  8. #8


    We use water wetter with distilled water in the race car it helps with heat dissipation bud not freezing, Here in NC my shop has never gone below 50 deg even with the heat off and overnight temps of 18 deg.
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  9. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    Do you think I that the Distilled Water will grow algae down here in S. Fl. where its hot most of the time?
    Hey Salty,

    Not quite there yet, but here's what I think will work for me.
    Filtered condensate from the AC unit/dehumidifier in a 5 gal plastic container, and a pump.

    Unless someone knows otherwise, this is close enough to distilled water for me.
    When done welding, dump the water if need be. KISS principle.


  10. Default

    find out what is in the 25.00 a gallon super juice as sold by whom, a welding manufacturer. Dexcool is exactly what welding super antifreeze juice is. Lower alkalinity, Contains NO silicates, resulting in longer lasting water pump and engine seals; longer shelf life. It is Nitrite-, borate-, phosphate-, nitrate- and amine-free. 100% biodegradable in its pure unused condition. It has extremely low conductivity, no acids and is made of ethylene glycol. You can pay 25.00 for Miller welding coolant if you want to. It's like buying bottled water. I don't buy bottled water which is the same crap that comes from your tap. To think differently is just displaying your ignorance. Dexcool mixed with softened water, distilled water or RO water will perform as well or better then the US welding manufactures super coolant juice. I invite anyone to prove me wrong. Show me a torch or cooler that has been compromised in any way by using soft water and Dexcool. The sheer reason Dexcool is used in many of today's cars is to prevent GALVANIC CORROSION of the aluminum radiator or engine parts exposed to the coolant mixture. If it were in any way conductive it would not prevent GV. It would cause it. HF bleed off? Are you kidding me? Once again prove to me that I get HF bleed off using H20 and Dexcool. Dexcool is my recommendation.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by denbent View Post
    find out what is in the 25.00 a gallon super juice as sold by whom, a welding manufacturer. Dexcool is exactly what welding super antifreeze juice is. Lower alkalinity, Contains NO silicates, resulting in longer lasting water pump and engine seals; longer shelf life. It is Nitrite-, borate-, phosphate-, nitrate- and amine-free. 100% biodegradable in its pure unused condition. It has extremely low conductivity, no acids and is made of ethylene glycol. You can pay 25.00 for Miller welding coolant if you want to. It's like buying bottled water. I don't buy bottled water which is the same crap that comes from your tap. To think differently is just displaying your ignorance. Dexcool mixed with softened water, distilled water or RO water will perform as well or better then the US welding manufactures super coolant juice. I invite anyone to prove me wrong. Show me a torch or cooler that has been compromised in any way by using soft water and Dexcool. The sheer reason Dexcool is used in many of today's cars is to prevent GALVANIC CORROSION of the aluminum radiator or engine parts exposed to the coolant mixture. If it were in any way conductive it would not prevent GV. It would cause it. HF bleed off? Are you kidding me? Once again prove to me that I get HF bleed off using H20 and Dexcool. Dexcool is my recommendation.
    Not a good first impression.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Not a good first impression.
    That was in case you miss the good natured jesting at WeldingWeb.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia


    I just saw that post over there, too, dredged up a months old coolant thread. This post looks like a cut-and-paste, but he missed the first line.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    For that matter what's the point anyway?
    LWS TIG coolant $15.
    Walmart Dexcool $14.27.

    Miller coolant $25.
    Anyone care to guess how much GM branded Dexcool is? I'm willing to bet at least $25.

    So why even bother?

    BTW I'll just add this as some extra flame bait.
    Last edited by Rambozo; 11-02-2012 at 10:14 PM.
    Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!

  15. #15


    Distilled water, add a capfull of bleach to deal with biostuff. Don't let freeze. Not difficult. S/F....Ken M
    Lincoln Power MIG 300
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  16. Default

    Sorry to get under your skin. Just checking to see what type of response I would get with a mildly controversial outdated subject. You showed me. you guys walked right into it. I'll not bother you again. Peace out.
    Last edited by denbent; 11-03-2012 at 03:10 AM.

  17. #17



    Luke 6:31 "Do to others as you would have them do to you"

    You left only one door to walk through; if you sew controversy don't expect to reap peace.

  18. #18


    i think ill go with coolant that is made for my cooler ,price difference isnt enough to haggle about to have peace of mind.
    250 ex
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  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by denbent View Post
    Sorry to get under your skin. Just checking to see what type of response I would get with a mildly controversial outdated subject. You showed me. you guys walked right into it. I'll not bother you again. Peace out.
    With a post like that, what response did you WANT? And you did it purposefully to flame the old thread?

  20. #20
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    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    And you did it purposefully to flame the old thread?
    Yes, with an >identical< thread at welding web, posted a few minutes before this thread started. Same post count on both websites: he joined for the sole purpose of spamming this thread, here and at WW.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

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