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Thread: Air over hydraulic tubing bender build

  1. #21


    Small video I did showing some progress and holes laid out and drilled with a drill press through 1/4 wall 2" square tubing. More cool AC/DC Music at the beginning and end so it may get pulled but I like it

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  2. #22


    What speed are you drilling? Are you using regular drill bits? I would like to build one myself that is why I am asking questions. I just purchased several M2 taper drill bits the largest being 1", I felt that using the taper bits would be more accurate. The pro-tools plans calls for a couple 1-1/2" holes which would be difficult to do with a reduced shank drill bit. I am still holding off the got trikes plans until I see how your build comes out.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  3. #23


    I'm cutting in about 200 rpm , only you keep the heat down and the bits from chattering. I think if I went any faster I burn up the bed and make a mess of things. I got my power gig today so you should see some welding within the next couple of days and a lot more progress. I'm going to some welding the frame up and should start moving along fairly quick then. I'm on the bus right now so you have to excuse any typos dictating this as we are going along. just a tent for more video in the future and I will keep you updated everyday or so once I get moving along.

    thanks for the interest.

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  4. #24


    Did you ever finish your tube bender? I just ordered the prints today, and was curious how yours turned out.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  5. #25


    I have the protools bender if want pics and measurementClick image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs.jpg 
Views:	411 
Size:	142.1 KB 
ID:	6862 would be very easy to build . This is the company that makes it protools just sells it . i got mine from the company that makes in Iowa
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 05-25-2012 at 05:04 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    I have the protools bender if want pics and measurementClick image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs.jpg 
Views:	411 
Size:	142.1 KB 
ID:	6862 would be very easy to build . This is the company that makes it protools just sells it . i got mine from the company that makes in Iowa
    I have the free prints that pro tools sends out, I wanted to look at gottrikes plans, so I ordered them.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  7. #27


    I like the gottrikes better mine only dose 90 bends max . i had the 180 bender at one time but sold it wish i kept it .lol the bender is cheap to build ..its the bending dies that kill you. sorta like this one it uses 120 degree dies Click image for larger version. 

Name:	200 EZ.jpg 
Views:	1093 
Size:	21.0 KB 
ID:	6863 the problem with my bender the upper part is in the way when trying to go past 90 degrees
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 05-25-2012 at 10:31 PM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  8. #28


    Here are a few mods I did when I built my Gettrikes Bender.
    First I use a roller under the tubing it worked much better then the slide block and no grease needed. Next is a clamp that I put on the tubing so I can bend beyond the degrees of the die. I did not like the Pro-tools clamping mechanism so I ordered my dies with out them and made my own type (see Pictures).
    The Gottrikes bender is just a better design and its portability is a big plus.

    Have fun
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	heavy bender 3 (2)A.jpg 
Views:	422 
Size:	63.7 KB 
ID:	6864   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	heavy bender 3 (3).JPG 
Views:	342 
Size:	100.5 KB 
ID:	6865   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bender II (4).jpg 
Views:	431 
Size:	130.4 KB 
ID:	6866   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bender roller.JPG 
Views:	325 
Size:	88.1 KB 
ID:	6867   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	small bender (5).JPG 
Views:	309 
Size:	120.1 KB 
ID:	6868  

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
    DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
    13" metal lathe
    Small Mill
    ect, ect.

  9. #29


    What degree die are you using? I like the roller instead of the sliding block.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  10. #30


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	engine rebuild and installs 006.jpg 
Views:	389 
Size:	143.6 KB 
ID:	6888mine works sorta like that the block rides on 2 rollers so it slides through with the pipe had the z bend 180 it was a neat machine but sold it Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ez180.10.jpg 
Views:	354 
Size:	17.6 KB 
ID:	6890 it is very simple design. the hydrolic ram sat underneath
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 05-28-2012 at 02:55 AM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  11. #31


    I used a 90 degree die 1-5/8" tubing. I have about 3 dies that I bought for the bender.
    my street rod frame using some tubing bent with the bender.

    have fun
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frame 34 A (3)a.jpg 
Views:	307 
Size:	82.6 KB 
ID:	6889  
    Last edited by acourtjester; 05-28-2012 at 02:51 AM.

    Everlast PM256
    Millermatic 180
    Hypertherm PowerMax 65 with machine torch
    Longevity Force Cut 80I
    DIY CNC table for plasma/routing
    13" metal lathe
    Small Mill
    ect, ect.

  12. #32


    I have built several of the ones from gottrikes now and thy work great, finding something small i do differently each time. I have sold the last 2 i have made for myself thinking i wouldn't need it again, this one is going to be a keeper lol. I started on the base Tuesday but got wrangled into building some kitchen cabinets for my mom and dad, the cherry laminate came in yesterday and I'll laminate the cabinets build the drawers from 7 layer cabinet grade ply and the fronts from solid cherry. Also doing leaded glass panels for the doors. Easier and cheaper.

    But i digress, on my strong hand welding table clone thread i posted pics of the base construction, should have the entire frame done by next weekend and fully completed in 2 weeks if i work while glue and strain etc dry.

    It's funny being the only seriously mechanically inclined person in my whole family, I've made my entire living from family members for the last 4 months of work. And my abilities are somewhat limited by my situation. They're able bodied but and lazy as he'll , I'm in a wheel chair and they all turn to me when they want something. I tell them out says about more about them than it does me haha

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

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