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Thread: Delivery Date for Early april order

  1. #61


    ok so if thats the case the machines are not even at the everlast location - So now the 4/10 looks to have slipped...I was charged 1400$ back on 2/22 and told it would be here in 3 weeks. The 3 weeks came and went and no word from everlast. I then call in to find out whats up and they said they were on there way. Then A week later I get an email that said they would be in on 4/10. Now that 4/10 date has come and gone still no word on what is going on from ever last...Now along the way Oleg said watch for a tracking number that way you will know wen its going to ship. Got the tracking number but still no word if they are at everlast or still floating who knows where...

    I some work I had to do to get my boat ready - I called and ordered a Miller, on a Friday and got a tracking number later that day. Then the following Wednesday it showed up and plugged it in and started burning holes. Took 3 hours or so and I was able to get some weld that while are not pretty will work for now.
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  2. Default

    As a number of people have asked-Have the welders shown up or not?

  3. #63


    Looks like I may have to use duct tape on my bike to finish the welding of the chromoly subframe....
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  4. #64


    The 4-10 was the date scheduled when the ship hit the docks. The units are in port. But the units are not to OUR docks yet as of yesterday evening. We have NO control over that. We have expressed this many many times. I am a little tired of your insulting demeanor here. I have kept up to date with all I can. WE have offered you a refund. We have other people wanting units. Its not a big deal for us to do so. But you have declined. We do feel bad that things have shifted so late. Many things are out of our control from exact scheduled date of manufacture to shipping pick up from the port to tsunamis and customs inspections. Then we are at mercy of the trucking company to get it to us and the shipping agent. I don't want to ban anyone, but YOU will be the first that I have done in that wasn't a spammer IF you persist in this manner. I/we know things have gone long as they USUALLY will and do. But you are making no point that isn't obvious already, and no input that is helpful. We apologize for any inconvenience you and others have suffered, and we have offered your money back...but at this point, you are preaching to the choir and we can't wave any magic wands. We operate on promises made to us, and a stack of them. If anything doesn't go as planned everything gets shifted, then all things have to be renegotiated further down the line. AS Duncan stated, he was there when his units were sent off. Can't do anything about it until it actually hits the company docks. So consider this the final warning. As I said in other posts. We don't mind constructive criticism...Its the destructive, negative banter without a point or remedy that is unwelcome.

  5. Default

    This is just a thought but maybe something on the website to offer some availability information? ...if it hasn't been thought of already?

    An in stock status or wait list status, nothing over complicated.

    Sure you may lose money from impatient lookers but those that are interested in some sort of delivery time est would be appeased... less aggravation it seems.

    Just an idea... not flaming in the least.

  6. #66


    So if the units have not hit the docks yet... why would we get shipping #'s already. All that did was amp people up and then shoot them down again! I just want to do some cutting and welding with my new pp256.
    Donald Eastman... AKA: scorp765

    Hobart Handler 135
    PowerPro 256
    All kinds of air tools, cutters, sanders, sheers...
    Old sears Air compressor (big one)
    tons of hand tools, and electric ones too.
    Water cooler for the 256 ...maybe soon!

    And I cant forget My... 2005 YAMAHA R1

    From: Oceanside, California

  7. #67


    Just keeping the people up to date would be nice - Oleg said that they clear customs a week before they arrive, so once the boat get to the port, they would get to everlast later that day. Now you gave us the update that they have not shown up at your shop yet. The ETA has slipped, just let those of us that are waiting know the date slipped rather then thinking ok we got a tracking number so the welder must be on the way.

    as for banning - it wouldnt be my first nor my last time - but it would make support if needed a bit more challenging
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  8. #68


    This is something we can look at, but when people order we do tell them it is out of stock...I don't push preorders, others do. But in each case it is up to the customers. Some thing that could possibly happen is that several orders come in at one time, from different sources and depletes the remaining stock. I tell all my customers if I know we are low on a product, and warn them. I have turned a few orders around when I found it was a low stock item that went out of stock. Some of those customers went with the preorder, some did not and preferred to wait until it is in stock. As it is now all the 256's have been fully spoken for, and the list is reforming. But we do have all other products available.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by dgarnier View Post
    Just keeping the people up to date would be nice - Oleg said that they clear customs a week before they arrive, so once the boat get to the port, they would get to everlast later that day. Now you gave us the update that they have not shown up at your shop yet. The ETA has slipped, just let those of us that are waiting know the date slipped rather then thinking ok we got a tracking number so the welder must be on the way.

    as for banning - it wouldnt be my first nor my last time - but it would make support if needed a bit more challenging
    The banning is in your hands. I don't like adversarial relationships. As for getting support you need, it will also make things akward for you, considering you are beating on people trying to help. But with the admission that you have been banned multiple times, you might consider what that has to say about your personality type and attitude you generally portray online. As a moderator, the only prescription I have for that is banning...I can't do anything else...but you you can.

    That's right they do "clear" the paperwork before they reach port. But they still have to do inspections and I am sure they are scanning everything for radiation, since the shipping lanes cross that could possibly get fallout from the nuclear problems.

    The tracking numbers are being generated SO we can ship and have labels ready when they arrive to turn the units back to UPS, and customers have what they need. It takes time to manually enter and print all the order labels, creating FURTHER delays. We have discussed the reason as was quoted by another poster, and he pointed it out, so I KNOW someone is actually reading the forum.
    Last edited by performance; 04-14-2011 at 05:20 PM.

  10. #70


    Any idea if all of the labels been created for orders that will be shipped once the product arrives?
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  11. #71


    So on a positive I can say that i'm stoked to know i will be one of the first people to get my order (PP256)
    Donald Eastman... AKA: scorp765

    Hobart Handler 135
    PowerPro 256
    All kinds of air tools, cutters, sanders, sheers...
    Old sears Air compressor (big one)
    tons of hand tools, and electric ones too.
    Water cooler for the 256 ...maybe soon!

    And I cant forget My... 2005 YAMAHA R1

    From: Oceanside, California

  12. #72


    I think labels are being still created. But I don't know for sure. The less I bother her, the more she gets done. But as a customer, IF you haven't gotten every thing in the way of shipping, you expect, you might want to call in yourself.

  13. Default

    Well, this is certainly an interesting dialog. On the one hand everyone is frustrated with their orders being long overdue; and that's a legitimate complaint. On the other hand, the persistence and anxiety expressed by so many customers over the late delivery of their orders just may be a testament to the quality and value of Everlast products.
    I myself am new to the Everlast line and was seduced by the price versus the traditional "Red" and "Blue" machines I have owned and used over the years. So I've decided to try the "Green" machine and see what can be had for an almost 50% savings. It was the many positive comments about Everlast on this blog that helped me decide to take a chance. My comparison will be the TIG 250EX vs the Miller Dynasty TIG machine at twice the cost. So, when it gets here we'll see.
    On a side note, I'm guessing that many of the unhappy people posting here are not "hardened professionals" from the world of manufacturing, and are therefore unaccustomed to all the myriad ways a plan can go wrong in this new world of "global" manufacturing. If you've worked in the management end of manufacturing you will understand that unless you are Toyota or Honda (and even they have been known to have a bad day from time to time) everything which is beyond your immediate control can and will go wrong at some point in time. Raising capital, scheduling production with outside vendors, and shipping delays, are just a few of the problems that have haunted me. So, if Everlast is at fault here, I would say it's because they were overly optimistic in their delivery date. Essentially they made a promise that they couldn't keep, and they probably knew that when they made it. Personally, I didn't think Alex was being straight with me when he projected a delivery date of 3/23/11. But then, he is a salesman after all. Hopefully the Everlast machines will be everything they are said to be and this company will continue to grow and improve. In the mean time, if prompt delivery is what is most important to you, there are Miller and Lincoln dealers everywhere with machines on their shelves ready for immediate delivery (at twice the price).

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by DavidShearer View Post
    Well, this is certainly an interesting dialog. On the one hand everyone is frustrated with their orders being long overdue; and that's a legitimate complaint. On the other hand, the persistence and anxiety expressed by so many customers over the late delivery of their orders just may be a testament to the quality and value of Everlast products.
    I myself am new to the Everlast line and was seduced by the price versus the traditional "Red" and "Blue" machines I have owned and used over the years. So I've decided to try the "Green" machine and see what can be had for an almost 50% savings. It was the many positive comments about Everlast on this blog that helped me decide to take a chance. My comparison will be the TIG 250EX vs the Miller Dynasty TIG machine at twice the cost. So, when it gets here we'll see.
    On a side note, I'm guessing that many of the unhappy people posting here are not "hardened professionals" from the world of manufacturing, and are therefore unaccustomed to all the myriad ways a plan can go wrong in this new world of "global" manufacturing. If you've worked in the management end of manufacturing you will understand that unless you are Toyota or Honda (and even they have been known to have a bad day from time to time) everything which is beyond your immediate control can and will go wrong at some point in time. Raising capital, scheduling production with outside vendors, and shipping delays, are just a few of the problems that have haunted me. So, if Everlast is at fault here, I would say it's because they were overly optimistic in their delivery date. Essentially they made a promise that they couldn't keep, and they probably knew that when they made it. Personally, I didn't think Alex was being straight with me when he projected a delivery date of 3/23/11. But then, he is a salesman after all. Hopefully the Everlast machines will be everything they are said to be and this company will continue to grow and improve. In the mean time, if prompt delivery is what is most important to you, there are Miller and Lincoln dealers everywhere with machines on their shelves ready for immediate delivery (at twice the price).
    I think you are selling yourself short on the cost comparison. A Dynasty 200 DX (Air-cooled and with some tungsten consumables and a case as well, but only a foot OR finger control) retails for $4680. The specs are roughly equivalent to an everlast 200DX machine which retails for $1099, not the 250EX. Pretty much the only think on paper as far as specs that is "better" than a 200dx is the waveform selection.

    I think that 1/4 of the cost of a comparable machine is the reason that people hang on to the product through so much. I certainly hope that the product turns out per the spec sheets, but heck, even 75% of the advertised specs as far as actual performance once it arrives would be fine for me.
    Everlast 200DX
    Everlast PT185
    Shoptask 3-in-1 (not currently in my garage, but I own it...)

    Any day on a motorcycle like this that ends just needing parts and labor is a good day.
    4.82, 158.67mph 1/8th mile 7.350, 200.35mph 1/4 mile

  15. Default

    It is true that there are many variables that are hard to predict or control.
    I just had a rant on here the other day concerning a shipment that i have been expecting for the last week . Up untill yesterday i was being told it was buried in the Shipyard in Vancouver due to not having enough Rail Cars.
    This Afternoon i get a call from my Agent informing me that it is in fact arriving this very day. Apparently CN had not updated there system showing that my goods had in fact arrived in Toronto .
    This is very fortunate for me because Jean had given our Back order Customers the April 14th Date for Certain models to be back in stock . As it turns out she will be off a couple of days but we had no idea the ship had been delayed leaving port . Or that it ended up sitting in Vancouver waiting for a Spot to moor the ship at the Dock. But again this is all after the fact and we lost 5 days with just the delay in departure and the delay in docking.
    I only wish my Compressors where the same way. I received a Email telling me that the shipping was being arranged ( last week of March ) only to find out the other day that yes it had been arranged but the shipping date is in fact the 26th April and not the end of March that had been the original time frame.

    Although my shipment was not overly delayed i feel sorry for the Company,s whose containers are buried at the shipyard due to a lack of Rail cars and having later arrivals loaded first just so they can reach them to load.
    Last edited by Titan winch; 04-14-2011 at 08:37 PM.

    905 637 1637

  16. #76


    guess i've built a tolorance to this kind of thing over the years, i got the tracking # today with "expected delivery" date of the 20th, although i know thats more than likely not going to happen.
    just knowing the machines are here, and will be arriving within the next week or 2 is good enough for me.
    personally, im stoked.
    i once waited 8 months for a single fog lamp to complete a front end conversion on the wife's car, so this is no big deal to me.
    300whp FWD 94 Celica
    PowerPro 205 with a hack behind the mask!

  17. Default

    im going to give u a hug. shhhhhh there u go there u go . hmmmm
    did u like that ?

  18. #78


    Maybe someone from Everlast can help me out here. I ordered two units at different times one PowerPlasma 60 and one Powerarc 200, I received one tracking number from UPS for one package at 45# since the shipping weight on the PA200 is listed at 38lbs and the PP60 at 65 lbs I thought I would call ext 202 and find out if they still had to get a shipping ticket for one of the units. But the lady that answered the phone said that both units would be under the one tracking number and I should go to the UPS website to see, but I told her nothing is listed for my tracking number she again said go to the UPS website. I don't think she understood what I was trying to tell her? I just want to make sure I get both units that I paid for, Mark you were very helpful when I bought the units and you said I might want to call Everlast when the shipping starts to make sure everything is right. From the information I have so far, something does not seem right LOL, what should I do next?
    Thanks Scooter

  19. #79


    Donald Eastman... AKA: scorp765

    Hobart Handler 135
    PowerPro 256
    All kinds of air tools, cutters, sanders, sheers...
    Old sears Air compressor (big one)
    tons of hand tools, and electric ones too.
    Water cooler for the 256 ...maybe soon!

    And I cant forget My... 2005 YAMAHA R1

    From: Oceanside, California

  20. #80


    Not laughing at your post Scooter... at jdt1986
    Im sure all will be forgiven when we all get our orders and get all the bugs worked out and start using them. If i had the Do-ray-me i would order a cooler right now. i know some of us were offered coolers and parts at a discount but considering the time its taking to get our currant orders, no matter whats or who is at fault the discount should be upgraded for us who plan to order as soon as we can.
    Donald Eastman... AKA: scorp765

    Hobart Handler 135
    PowerPro 256
    All kinds of air tools, cutters, sanders, sheers...
    Old sears Air compressor (big one)
    tons of hand tools, and electric ones too.
    Water cooler for the 256 ...maybe soon!

    And I cant forget My... 2005 YAMAHA R1

    From: Oceanside, California

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