Quote Originally Posted by wruehl View Post
And still I disagree,
By your reasoning "a simple compliment" = spamming BUT "a simple compliment + inquiry" does not. This notion is ridiculous. I get comments all the time, "Nice Bike", "Sweet ride" typically from males (the women just wink and smile). I make the same remarks when I feel compelled. I do not sit in judgment of the commenter when receiving them, I graciously accept them, sometimes with a simple two word response "Thank you" or maybe just a nod and a smile. Do I feel cheated that the person did not inquire where I had my custom seat work done? Hell no, THESE ARE SHORTHAND CONVERSATIONS BETWEEN MEN! we DO NOT NEED EXCESSIVE DIALOG to feel accepted or appreciated. Now and then a person may approach and tell me how dangerous motorcycling is and stand there and try and "educate" me about their sisters, brothers, dentists friend who was crippled or killed on a motorcycle. I should value this dialog more? I think not. Now the timing issue has been parroted over and over. IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE FORUM it SHOULD be OK to thumb through the older posts as WE WHERE NOT HERE WHEN THEY WHERE MADE! As I said before this does NOT make the comment less genuine, IF THE POSTER is making irrelevant comments about a given post, then I'm with the lynch mob, heck I'll bring the rope. I work a lot, long hours, sometimes weeks between a day off, and when I had sufficient opportunity to dig into the archives I did, when I saw something that caught my eye I left a simple comment, plain and simple, no apologies.
I find your last sentence very telling, you basicly create and analog between yourself and the fairer sex by stating that both you and the woman in question would be offended the same way, many of us simply are not, nor are our bug finding children...
Ok Granted not everyone thinks alike, and I will gracefully bow out to you on this one as I am not one to argue over a petty problem that has no bearing on me and I have ongoing dialogue in many of the catagories here on the everlast forums and my post count for the contest was satisfied weeks ago.

Good luck to all of you and as you can see the Admins do get involved and the "Blatant" spammers will get ferreted out and dealt with.
