If you click on My Profile you have two options which can sort of do this for you. Those options are:
# Find all posts Find all posts
# Find all started threads Find all started threads
There is also a way to subscribe to threads. If you view a thread, you can click "Thread Tools" and then "Subscribe to this Thread". To view your subsriptions, you can click "Quick Links" and then "Subscribed Threads".
EDIT: Also I looked and if your posts are not automatically added as a subscription you can go to your settings and and turn it on so that the threads you post in are added. To do so, click "Forum Actions" and then "General Settings". On that page you will see:
Default Thread Subscription Mode: SETTING
When you post a new thread, or reply to a topic, you can choose to automatically add that thread to your list of subscribed threads, with the option to receive email notification of new replies to that thread.
Change the setting to show or not show based on what you want.
Last edited by Jason; 04-16-2011 at 09:14 AM.
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