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Thread: This forum is becoming a community

  1. Thumbs up This forum is becoming a community

    I just thought the everlast guys would like to know;

    I just received my first PM about something entirely unrelated to welding or ordering machines. That's how it should be. A topic forum should have a strong undercurrent of 'what can we do for each other' messages based on peoples abilities outside of the forum. My 'Torque' thread was a test to see if there was a subcurrent in this river of information, it worked as I had hoped, and now I received my first scuba related PM.

    Thanks guys.
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

  2. #2


    I could not agree more, I've had as much Motorcycle chatter as hardcore welding stuff and it's all been pretty good.
    Big Willy in Rockford, Il. Power Pro 205, Lincoln 140 Mig, Oxy/Acetylene rig with a Cobra Torch, Full up Motorcycle shop.
    Active Ironbutt Member.

  3. #3


    We've always welcomed this. That's why we added the chat lounge, non-welding projects, etc. though it is for Everlast tech support.

    You'll see that even people that work for Everlast are into other projects from bikes, truck, gardens, electronics, BBQ grills.

    Most of the time people come to check Everlast out before a purchase or they have a problem/question. But it is fun when we get to relax and talk other things. Also, we do not have a lot of egos flying around here either.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sasktachewan, Canada


    I agree it is nice to see. I was hunting around for months between the three of four suppliers of multi machines. Never felt comfortable making that offer. Joined this forum and have I been impressed with not only the community but also with the Everlast team's support not only to their customers but to anyone with a question. These forums have quickly established a company that is not fly by night. But a group people passionate about their products and projects. The only thing holding me back from parting with my money is the contest. (being Scottish probably hasn't helped either!) I am seriously looking at a multi machine, but if I win, then its two dedicated machines. TIG and Plasma. Regardless I will be placing an order next month.
    Attitude Determines Altitude

  5. #5


    It is good to see more action and interaction on the forum. I have learned much and I hope contributed a little information along the way.
    I really think that this new contest kick started it all. Speaking of the contest. Canada, you may as well place your order and send the check, I amd going to WIN the contest.................. (hope hope hope)
    If (when?) I win I will be upgrading to a larger tig and / or mig so someone will get a killer deal on my 200 I mig or my 250 ex. or both lol
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  6. #6


    Well just a few more days left in this contest. Hopefully people will stick around. But we have more contests coming to keep things lively, but we do hope that people will feel comfortable here, if they buy or not. We're always going to have a few malcontents I guess. With 20k+ customers, a small community indeed! But in a sample population that size, you're always going to have the guy or gal that forgot to take their meds.

  7. #7


    One thing we DO welcome is constructive criticism. We don't care so much for the aimless, wanton negativity.

    We are improving designs, and product as we speak. We are a smaller operation, and we welcome ideas, comments, and general input. Some things we have pretty good idea about from the market standpoint, but we do miss things from time to time. We like to hear it, as it helps us produce a better product that customers want and LIKE. Larger company's can do market studies, but direct comments have more impact in a smaller company. We've received comments from technical gurus, and the beginning welder, and the pro as well. We assimilate the information, and wade through what is feasable, possible, and then probable.

    Because we don't implement right away doesn't mean we haven't heard or aren't considering it. Customers sometimes expect an immediate change. Change takes time, especially when you are working in another country with the product. Its not ONE person making a heavy handed judgement call or single input. Oleg, has been good at this point about that. Its appreciated by all.

  8. Default

    hey i forgot to take my meds this week but i'm still happy with my imig200....does that count? even let a buddy borrow it today for some exhaust work and he loves it to but he's still on his meds
    everlast i-mig 200
    96 gmc extended cab truck 350 rwhp daily driven for 289,000 miles
    88 jeep cherokee custom built by me for me for well everything.someday it'll be finished
    4.6L stroker,dana 44 front, 14 bolt rear, 35"xterrains,soon to come 231/205 doubler

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sasktachewan, Canada


    Shawn here is a simple way to remember to take those meds. (works for me!)

    Attachment 1734
    Attitude Determines Altitude

  10. Default

    i'll have to remember that
    everlast i-mig 200
    96 gmc extended cab truck 350 rwhp daily driven for 289,000 miles
    88 jeep cherokee custom built by me for me for well everything.someday it'll be finished
    4.6L stroker,dana 44 front, 14 bolt rear, 35"xterrains,soon to come 231/205 doubler

  11. #11


    It's nice to be able to discuss welding and welding related projects without having to constantly defend my choice to buy an Everlast welder. While I was on the Weldingweb site, there were a lot of good people, but also a gang that felt the need to bring down and lay the boots to anyone who used an import welder of any kind.
    If you happened to be having pretty good success with your import welder/cutter, and said so in pictures and words, lookout, the personal attacks were/are quite furious.

    At the same time, I'm sure if I were to post about a problem with my welder here, the discussion would be on how to rectify the problem. On the welding site I watched others who asked for info on their welding problems/questions get crucified again and again for making the decision to purchase an import welder, they only got what the deserved etc etc. Of course the Miller, Hypertherm and Lincoln forums all had their fair share of breakdowns, but somehow those were acceptable failures!

    Anyway, it got old in a hurry. I really enjoy this group of people including the company reps here who seem to know their product inside out.

    Last edited by worntorn; 04-24-2011 at 09:58 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  12. #12


    Welcome to a kinder gentler place to post. Not perfect, but kinder, gentler.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Palm Beach Fl.


    As a fairly new guy to the forum, I feel comfortable asking questions without wondering if I will receive a negative reply. So far I have had several questions answered and I have learned a lot. I've read other peoples posts and learned from their experience. I like the way thing are going. Keep up the good work Everlast Team I am pleased to be a member of this forum.
    Power Tig 250 EX
    Miller 211 Mig
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Victor Torch

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Welcome to a kinder gentler place to post. Not perfect, but kinder, gentler.
    Yeah as long as no one comes on here with a red or blue machine............JK
    Happy easter everyone.
    Ray Mc
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    Uh Oh, I won't have a green one till tomorrow afternoon. Mine is Blue however the green ones don't come in a self contained, self powered gas model yet.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
    17 series gas cooled Tig Torch for Low Amp Solar Tig (Direct Solar Panel Powered Tig welding)
    Hobart Handler 187 Mig / Fluxcore
    EVERLAST PowerUltra 205P
    EVERLAST PowerTig 250 EXT 2013 Model

  16. #16


    I'm glad I came across this forum. Its nice being able to post a question without getting reamed for asking a question that seems stupid to an experienced welder. Its also cool being able to see a forum grow into a cool place.
    Everlast lx225
    Hobart Handler 210 with spool gun
    Hobart Stickmate LX
    Thermal Arc 400GMS
    40 amp Northern Tools plasma torch
    130 chicago electric tig welder
    90 amp chicago electric flux mig
    10"-22" Grizzly lathe
    15"-5.5" Grizzly vertical end mill

    In need of nice TIG machine. drooling over PowerTig 250ex

  17. #17


    This might be a bit off topic, but it is related to the Kinder Gentler theme.

    I've found a better way to post on the Weldingweb site.

    If I post some pictures of a project, which is about all I would ever post over there, I make sure the little green welder is in the background somewhere. I figure, let the work speak for the welder and weldor. In the past, when someone on that site has asked the inevitable question, "What brand of TIG welder or plasma cutter should I buy?' I have responded with some info on my Everlast. This always brings on a hurricane of rage from the usual group there.

    If there are just photos of a project with close ups of the welds plus the machine in the photo, people can figure out that this machine was used to make those welds. This approach doesn't seem to raise the hackles of the red necks. Kind of like avoiding eye contact with a rabid dog!

    Another reason that this type of post gets left alone by the little gang is that their leader never posts photos of his work, nor do his followers. So an attack on a photo display might require that they post some of their own photos to back up criticism. This is something which they really do not want to do.

    It's silly that a person can't just come out and speak the truth, but that is the way it is over there and some of the mods are part of it.

    and No, I'm not bitter!

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by worntorn View Post
    This might be a bit off topic, but it is related to the Kinder Gentler theme.

    I've found a better way to post on the Weldingweb site.

    If I post some pictures of a project, which is about all I would ever post over there, I make sure the little green welder is in the background somewhere. I figure, let the work speak for the welder and weldor. In the past, when someone on that site has asked the inevitable question, "What brand of TIG welder or plasma cutter should I buy?' I have responded with some info on my Everlast. This always brings on a hurricane of rage from the usual group there.

    If there are just photos of a project with close ups of the welds plus the machine in the photo, people can figure out that this machine was used to make those welds. This approach doesn't seem to raise the hackles of the red necks. Kind of like avoiding eye contact with a rabid dog!

    Another reason that this type of post gets left alone by the little gang is that their leader never posts photos of his work, nor do his followers. So an attack on a photo display might require that they post some of their own photos to back up criticism. This is something which they really do not want to do.

    It's silly that a person can't just come out and speak the truth, but that is the way it is over there and some of the mods are part of it.

    and No, I'm not bitter!

    I have been doing that same thing just a bit og the green in the picture.
    Its kinda fun to see the responce from some of them. I am a mod on a prep sports board and laugh at the way Zappster handles things ahe provlkes then when he gets some heat the thread is locked and, or the poster banned. But I have to give credit where credit is due. I have seen the wqork Zap does and It is top notch. Have you got involved with Fat Bastard yet? He is a colorful guy.
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  19. #19


    I get along OK with Zapster although he may not like my choice in welding machinery. He does some great work alright.

    Yes, I have been the target of several Fat Bastard rants on Patriotism, always lots of hypocrisy involved. I guess when a poster names himself "Fat Bastard" one should not expect a high level of sensitivity or intelligence.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  20. Default

    Patriotism is the last vestige of a coward.
    It is the most simplistic of arguements.
    Next time ask him; 'So... do you stand behind the flag of the United States above all else?'
    He'll take the bait.
    Then explain to him that cowards stand behind it, patriots stand in front of it.

    I truly dislike the patriotism arguement. Most simpletons are not patriots, they are geographical elitists.
    By the way, I love the 'Mexicans are Americans too' for when they get all 'American' in their spewage.
    They can only answer with 'you knew what I meant'.

    Frenchmen are just as proud as we are, Somali's also. Pride is not a good arguement.
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

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