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Thread: The Newest Guy

  1. Default The Newest Guy

    Hello all just sayin hello, Havent got a everlast but hoping to get the 256 soon. Just got a lincoln tombstone . But love TIG and MIG as well. Hoping to teach myself aluminum with the 256. Anyways hello to all.

  2. #2


    Welcome King
    I hope you enjoy your stay, A Lincoln tombstone, I wonder how many of those were made, seems to me everyone has either had or used one.
    Kinda like the 57 chevy of the welding icon
    Everlast I mig 205
    Everlast 200 amp spool gun
    Everlast 250 ex
    H. F. 12x36 lathe
    Grizzly Mill
    10,000 lb two post lift
    Box and Pan Brake
    Bead roller
    jet 5x7 horizontal band saw
    Wilton 14 inch vertical band saw
    Mitec 50 A plasma cutter.
    tool grinder
    20 ton press and press brake
    more power and hand tools then I can list here
    Dodge Neon that runs 10.23 @143 mph in the quater
    70 Chevelle convert
    It took 62 years But I finally have my dream Garage

  3. #3


    Welcome aboard King..

    Ram48, I've never had a 57 chevy (71 Nova, 78 Vette), but I would surely take one over a welder any day. Unless it was in really bad shape, nah. I would still take it..
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. Default

    Bulletproof and simple, guess thats why so many people had or have them. Your right that bout sums up a 57 chevy.... Easy to work on and bulletproof. Thanks for the welcome RAM

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