Dough Divider Drum
I made this Stainless drum for a Bakery Equipment MFG company about a year ago.
It is working in a bakery somewhere in Salt Lake City.
I really like it when my kids get fulltime jobs!
This was my first Commercial use of Tig welding. Even at that, I did the fillet welds with stick because my TIG fillets were not yet up to snuff.
Now I wouldn't dream of doing an item like this with anything but TIG.
It was an interesting project because there was no real design for it, we just knew what had to be accomplished. This meant making a prototype in steel first, then altering that until it worked. I made up the prototype, sent it to the Bakery Equipment company, they tried it out and made recommendations, I altered the prototype, another test drive and so on. On the fourth try we got it right.
So I think about 70% of my total bill was just for the prototype.
Supposedly they have another order for a similar machine. I've kept the prototype here so it should be a much quicker process this time around.
Everlast PP256
Everlast Imig 200
Everlast Power Ultra 205
P&H 400 amp A.C.
Miller 230 amp with Onan power