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Thread: First time caller. Power Tig 200 DX arrived today!!!!!

  1. #1

    Default First time caller. Power Tig 200 DX arrived today!!!!!

    Hello everyone.

    I am new here and my new Power Tig 200 DX arrived today. I am very new to Tig welding actually never Tig Welded before.

    I have been using a small 110v Mig for around 15 yrs and welded everything a hobbyist could weld.

    My sons And I are currently rebuilding a 73 Nova and making several custom changes to the car and thought a good Tig would come in handy.

    I Would like some goo feed back on the basics of setting up my machine or a good Tig welding for dumbies LOL . I am a little disappointed the instructions didn't have some basic settings in them.
    Super Cut 50P
    Everlast Power Tig 200 DX
    Lincoln weld pak 100

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Mountain Home Arkansas


    Check this guy out he has some great videos with the PP 256. And welcome to the forum.

    Esab Migmaster 250
    Everlast PowerPlasma 50
    Miller Dynasty 200 DX TIG
    CNC Express SQ Mill
    CNC Lathe 1236
    Plate Shear 12"
    12" Slip Roll
    4 Ton Notcher
    4 Ton Hand Punch
    52" 18 Gauge Foot Shear
    48" Pan & Box Brake
    Spot Welder
    50" Slip Roll
    English Wheel
    Bead Roller
    Planishing Hammer
    60" Hand Brake
    7" x 12" Bandsaw
    Hand Tools
    Shop (TOO SMALL !!!!! )
    I don't owe anyone a dime, but I get paid to lay them down

  3. #3


    Jody has some great videos and show the settings on most.

    Or you can post here and get a response pretty quick. Worse case, just call in and pick tech support.

    Best thing might be, google "TIG welding setting for metal" or something like that and find a chart, print it and keep near the unit. Note that one size does not fit all, but they will get you close.

    When we get calls we tell the person the settings and what they do, but they are generally setting we use ourselves/ballpark. The speed you move can require a little tweak here and there.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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