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Thread: American equivalent of supplied F30Al fuse

  1. #1

    Default American equivalent of supplied F30Al fuse

    I received my PP60 and started going through the bag of extra parts, when I checked the spare fuses they were marked F30AL 250V. I did a search google search did not find anything, I don't know if they are fast or slow blow, I guess they are 30 amp. What is the replacement we can buy here? One other thing spare parts for the plasma gun included 5 tips and 5 electrodes but no cups, the picture showing what comes with the unit shows cups included. Are spare cups suppose to be included with the unit?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    The fuse is just for the plasma pilot arc, I’ve never blown one nor have I heard of anyone blowing one. The replacement should be a FR30 or FRX30 , but you probably have a lifetime supply.
    If you received the upgraded A81 torch I believe it only comes with the tips and cones, the cup is a big black thing and usually isn’t broken in normal use like the ceramic cups. If that’s not your torch, call and we’ll set you up with some spares.
    Last edited by Ray; 04-30-2011 at 05:18 AM. Reason: Typo

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  3. #3


    Ray, thanks for the info. I do have a A81 torch. When will you have replacement consumables listed for the A81? I tried to search for the FR/FRX fuse and could not find any reference to them, except for fused resistors. I will just go with the lifetime supply theory, that sounds good to me.

  4. #4



    Oleg said they are on order. So we will have them shortly. For now if you need them, google trafimet A81 (or A80) consumables. Or get them from trafimet directly $$$. You can also ask your local welding supplier to stock them for you if you buy enough filler and gas from them or they are good guys.

    And like Ray said, I've never blown the pilot fuse or had a call where someone has either.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    Scooter, is a good source for A81 cons if you need them. Other sites carry them as well...But sticks out in my mind.

  6. #6


    Scooter, snap a picture of the fuse so I can see what the internal element looks like, and take a measurement of its physical length/diameter, and I can give you a couple of alternative part numbers for spares.

    Like the support team has stated, you probabaly won't need it though.
    Everlast Power I-MIG 200
    Everlast PowerUltra 205P
    Everlast SM 200-N
    Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 42

  7. #7


    Attachment 1840Ken, here is a picture I took. the fuse is 1-3/16" long X 1/4" in dia. The fuse element is thin, a little less than 1/16" wide and straight the entire length of the element, not at all like the normal 30 amp glass fuses that thins in the middle.

  8. #8


    I will go through my catalogs and inventory tomorrow and will get back to you.

    It looks like a standard fuse element, not a slow blow, so it should be easy to find a fuse that will work.

    Fuses are specified by an Amps^2 x Time requirement, and arc length extinguish voltage, which you stated as 250 VDC, so the time to open in milliseconds will be the only variable.
    Everlast Power I-MIG 200
    Everlast PowerUltra 205P
    Everlast SM 200-N
    Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 42

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