Don, I hope you get better soon. I cringed when I read your post! Have you seen a doc?
Talking to the group now: do you guys work in pairs? I do chores by myself frequently and make it a point to tell somebody what I'm doing. If I'm up a ladder or under the car or welding or doing something unusual I tell that person when and where and how long it should take, so if they don't hear from me after a while they come looking. My neighbor is an engineer and a DIYer and we have a similar understanding: he'll call and say something like I'm going to do X Y and Z with my electrical panel, and I'll call you in about 30 minutes. And 30 minutes later he'll call and say That project's done- but if I didn't hear from him I'd know to check up on him. What's the line from that old tv show: Let's be careful out there!
Oxweld oxy acet gear
IMIG 200
PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!