I just kinda skimmed over this so sorry if I missed something important. I don't think tearing into your welder and changing the way the fan works is a good idea. And I've heard a lot of complaints about how Miller's "Fan On Demand" thing works. A lot of people hate that feature.
The fan for the torch cooler would be a good idea. I'm in the process of building a homemade torch cooler setup and I placed a temperature probe in the return line from the torch. If the water in the "hot line" goes above a set point(I haven't decided where would be best as I don't have my welder yet.), the fan that blows through the heat exchanger will kick on and run until the temp drops below another set point. On the other hand though even when the temperature is low enough that the fan isn't running, the pump itself is still circulating water through the torch, heat exchanger, and tank. I was thinking of wiring up a circuit that will kick the circulation pump on when I strike an arc, then after I extinguish the arc it will keep circulating until the temp drops enough to shut the fan off then the pump will shut off as well. Kinda like a "Torch Cooler on Demand." This would be the basic logic for how it would work. Very simple stuff.
if ("Welding = True" & "Hot Line Temp > Fan Running Set Point") Then
Run both pump and fan.
if ("Welding = True" & "Hot Line Temp < Fan Running Set Point") Then
Run Pump but not fan.
if ("Welding = False" & "Hot Line Temp > Fan Running Set Point") Then
Keep fan and pump running.
if ("Welding = False" & "Hot Line Temp < Fan Running Set Point") Then
Shut down cooler fan and pump.
It shouldn't be too hard of a setup to make, I'd just need a small current sensor to put around the torch lead on the welder as that should give me a good enough signal as to whether I'm welding or not, and I could probably handle all the logic with some simple latches and gates, no need for a Micro Processor.
Brad George
George's Welding & Repair
Amateur at TIG, MIG, and General Fabrication.
Current Equipment
AIRCO Heliwelder IV 300Amp Model - Total Awesomeness!
Hobart Handler 120v MIG