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Thread: PowerPlasma 60 constant flow switch does nothing?

  1. #1

    Default PowerPlasma 60 constant flow switch does nothing?

    I finally got to use the PP60, when I pushed the rocker switch for constant flow/ test gas, nothing happens. I have to squeeze the trigger to get the air running to set the air flow. Any ideas? One other thing I did notice is I have a setting of almost 75 psi when not cutting to have 65 psi when cutting, are any of you seeing that kind of pressure drop?

  2. #2


    I seem to recall the max psi is 60...try dialing down the air a bit
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  3. #3


    I have the PP70 and the air pressure drop is normal. When a small desiccant filter was put in the line it was even more dramatic - had to take it out.

    Anytime you bleed off air in high volume there will be a pressure drop. Try just opening the air line (no restriction) when it is not hooked up to the PP60. You will see the drop in pressure at the tank gauge. Closing the line will let the pressure in the line recover - unless the compressor goes on.

    No idea about the 4T switch. It should work when tested.
    Everlast PowerArc 300
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter View Post
    I finally got to use the PP60, when I pushed the rocker switch for constant flow/ test gas, nothing happens. I have to squeeze the trigger to get the air running to set the air flow. Any ideas? One other thing I did notice is I have a setting of almost 75 psi when not cutting to have 65 psi when cutting, are any of you seeing that kind of pressure drop?

    Your number look fine. 60+ is a good number for cutting. Mine drops due to the dryer under 60, like GWD mentions, but the external flow meter showed the air flow was dead on for cutting. Never had a problem, but never had the external flow meter either, so I checked it. Big problem had, I had to set the post flow all the way up, otherwise the darn pilot arc would have smoked up the meter

    But you should be fine as your number are a little higher than mine. I am running about where dgarnier mentions and my cut are perfect if you do want to dial it down a bit.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    I just went into the garage and checked the PP60 again. I tried the switches in every position and the constant flow will not work. The way I am setting the pressure is to squeeze the trigger quickly (no arc starts) and set the pressure while the post flow is running, would this be ok and not hurt the machine? I checked my air settings and they are 75 psi non running and it drops to 65 psi when you pull the trigger. I tried the external gauge tube and it showed higher than the xxx area with the circle in it. I tried using the external gauge yesterday at their setting my air pressure was around 50 psi and it would not cut through 3/16" plate @ 29 amps, but bumping the air up to where it is now made really good cuts. I guess this is going to be a trial and error method. As far as the switch not working, is there anything besides the switch and probably a solenoid valve in that circuit?

  6. #6



    That will not hurt the machine settiing the air that way, that is how I have done mine for years. I will get a message to the engineering group about yours, and test it on mine as well. For now just use the post flow. Doubt it is the switch, I would suspect a wire off or in the wrong place.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  7. #7
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    Chugiak , Alaska


    As I recall the switch actually just sets the post flow timer to max, you still have to bump the trigger, and it will shut off eventually.
    As far as the air pressure goes, I seem to recall you have the A81 torch? It should have come with a flow meter to set the air flow, this is a more accurate way to set it up. Then use the pressure gauge as a reference for setting it in the future.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  8. #8


    Scooter, I only use the continuous air flow on my Cut50 to set the air flow pressure and the auto setting when actually using the Plasma. If I remember correctly, I need about 75 psi of static pressure to get 60 psi operational.
    Everlast Power I-MIG 200
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
    As I recall the switch actually just sets the post flow timer to max, you still have to bump the trigger, and it will shut off eventually.
    As far as the air pressure goes, I seem to recall you have the A81 torch? It should have come with a flow meter to set the air flow, this is a more accurate way to set it up. Then use the pressure gauge as a reference for setting it in the future.
    Ray I do have the A81 torch, are you suppose to hold the torch vertical and press the flow meter gauge on top of the torch tip and set the air pressure so the ball ends up in the circle marked on the side of the gauge tube? Since there is only one mark do we use that setting for all cuts no matter how thick we are cutting? Thanks I am just trying to get a handle on this thing. LOL?

  10. #10


    On the A81, you press the flow meter on the tip of the nozzle, do not press it down hard, just line it up. The ball should be in the center of the red box with the circle. A little plus of it is fine.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  11. #11


    Just an update on my progress with the constant flow switch. I talked with Ray yesterday and he told me the switch only sets the flow to the max timed flow, well I tried it again today and there is no difference in post flow time between the minimum dial setting on timed or constant flow about 4 seconds. So back to my problem the switch does nothing.
    Last edited by Scooter; 05-11-2011 at 04:27 AM.

  12. #12
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    Chugiak , Alaska


    I’m not ignoring you, I’m trying to get some guidance as I think it’s likely there is a simple solution.
    I haven’t run across this problem before, but it’s not rendering the unit unusable, once you set the air flow that’s it, not something that you have to do but usually once, that can be done by turning the post flow up. Honestly it pretty much a set it and forget it thing.
    I just hate to have to have you send your unit back if it’s just a matter of plugging something back in for the switch.
    But if it’s a concern, call me and I’ll set you up to ship it back so we can correct it for you, I understand it’s a new unit and should work 100%, I haven’t heard anything from engineering, but we have a major time zone difference also. So far most of the staff have responded , gosh I’ll have to check when I ask if there’s does that also, LOL.

    So I’m not trying to put you off, just get the right answer for you, but again, if you want to send it in please call me.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  13. #13


    Thanks for the reply Ray. No I do not want to send the unit back, like you said I would like it to work 100%. I have no problem taking the cover off and checking for a loose plug/ or wire, If someone from Everlast tells me to and it will not void the warranty. From the markings on the switch it appears to be a simple single throw on off switch? If it is accessible I could easily check for input voltage and function of the switch. All I need is the ok, let me know what voltage I should see at the switch, and what the function of the switch circuit is.
    Last edited by Scooter; 05-11-2011 at 04:30 AM.

  14. Default

    Mine works just like scooter has stated. With the switch in the constant flow position when I let off the torch trigger it flows for about 4-6 seconds and then shuts off. I assume that with the switch in this position the air should flow at all times?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Hmm, if I could get you (both) to verify that that the post flow knob setting has no effect on the time when the switch is in the constant flow position, still 4-6 seconds.
    And if I could get you to PM me or email your serial numbers please.
    I’ll get with Mark and Mike, and see what we can figure out.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  16. #16


    I too am still waiting on a response, nothing yet. While trying not to clutter the forum until there is an answer.

    This switch is a feature and not even required to use the unit. When there is an answer we will post it. I too have a new PP60 and the constant air flow does not work properly. Used it most of the week last week. Not that it's not a priority, but we are waiting on a response from engineering. It does not impact the operation of the unit at all. We will let you know when we know.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
    Hmm, if I could get you (both) to verify that that the post flow knob setting has no effect on the time when the switch is in the constant flow position, still 4-6 seconds.
    And if I could get you to PM me or email your serial numbers please.
    I’ll get with Mark and Mike, and see what we can figure out.
    Bigworm, thanks for the post, is your machine one of the units off of the last boat?
    Ray, It is actually just the opposite the post flow knob seems to work in timed flow the same as it does in constant flow, it is the timed/constant flow switch that does nothing? I will PM you my s/n.
    Thanks Scooter

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
    Hmm, if I could get you (both) to verify that that the post flow knob setting has no effect on the time when the switch is in the constant flow position, still 4-6 seconds.
    And if I could get you to PM me or email your serial numbers please.
    I’ll get with Mark and Mike, and see what we can figure out.
    I just checked mine. With the switch in the constant flow setting it makes not difference where the post flow knob is. It runs for 4-6 secons. With the switch in the timed flow setting everything works as it should. I can adjust the post flow time with the knob with the switch in the timed flow setting.

  19. #19


    The main purpose of the constant flow is to offer a way to check the air flow/pressure on the gauge, and with the measurement device with the new torches without having to activate the arc. It can also be used to add extra cool time if needed. It may be a resistor issue that has been changed in value. With my talks with the factory, I seem to remember that coming up in the conversation as part of what was changed to provide a post flow timer that was adjustable. May not be related, but Mike or Ray can give their input.

  20. Default

    Thanks for the research in trying to figure out what is going on with these machines guys. It doesnt bother me in the least that it doesnt work because as mentioned the machine works just as it should. For me being an electronics guy its more of me just wanting to know what is wrong. Thanks guys.

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