Yeah I am glad I picked up the 120V fan when I saw it. The copper pipe connecting my compressor outlet (behind the black plastic shroud up high) to the unloader valve (on top of tank, and brass) measures 3/8" OD with compression fittings at each end, so one idea to further "intercool" this pipe is to simply replace the short copper tubing with a longer length (could use 3/8" OD soft copper refrigeration tubing), and bend/snake that around inside the shroud perhaps (if there's room) where the cooling air would flow past it.
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I know that this piece of copper tubing can get plenty hot, because I had some polyethylene tubing laid next to the copper and at one point it got hot enough to melt the PE (which would be ~230F I figure.)
Here is a link to 10 feet of the 3/8" OD soft copper refrigeration tubing for $12.50 from Home Depot:
(wonder if I should I try upsizing it to 1/2"?)
This pic shows how I routed the wiring for the fan... pretty simple done this way.
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I blew a head gasket out on this thing by the way, not too long after it was new. I found the original gasket material was not oil resistant, so it got weakened where oil had softened it. I cut a new gasket for it out of oil resistant sheet gasket material and have run a ton of hours on it since then.
Attachment 2002
Last edited by jakeru; 05-26-2011 at 09:38 AM.
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'07 Everlast Super200P