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Thread: New Power Tig 250ex ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Montreal Quebec Canada

    Question New Power Tig 250ex ?

    hello after alott of thought for the last 2 weeks I have decided to become a part of the everlast famley I was going to buy the diversion 180 from miller it sure lacks a ton o stuff for the money. my only concern is I live and Canada and I just hope that if I need service on the unit that everlast will have my back I don't mind paying shipping I just need to know that they can fix it for me. I'm buying the welder because I want to make more money in my life. I want to get a welding job and the only way to be a good good welder is to buy one and practice everyday I was thinking of buying the 250ex but now I see a new ext coming soon should I Waite and get the ext or should I just get the ex because it's a more proven machine. what ever unit I buy YouTube viewers will see unboxing and howto setup and much more. also to be honest one thing I did not care much for was the clear hoses that hook up to the unit I would replace mine with black hoses but other then that I'm sold on the machine I still need to save a few more weeks but I'll buy everlast and I want a cooler too. so question is 250ex or ext thanks Jason

  2. #2


    for what we hear the ext is going to be in a higher price range. Mark also replied on WW about Canada. I have a 250EX myself and I also had a diversion 165, and so far I like how the 250 is fitting in. The 165 with just a few setting let me focus on torch movement and filler rod. Now with the 250 I have been able to try new settings and get dialed in.

    Leave the hose alone, if you change the fitting you void the warranty, so its not worth switching out just the hose then.
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  3. #3


    Changing the clear hose on the rear won't void the warranty. Changing the internal electronics and connection will affect the warranty related to those items.

  4. #4


    I am assuming he want to use the hook up he already had so would have replaced the barb fitting with some sort of quick connect
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Montreal Quebec Canada


    ill just keep the hoses they way they come. can some one tell me if the 250ex comes with a panel like this it has more acuracy in your adjustments for % values and stuff you can see it all in numbers where the one i saw just had dots do the new ex come like this thanks
    Attachment 1964

  6. #6


    not yet. In a few months there will be some changes.

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