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Thread: Branch Buddy Production run

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  1. Default Branch Buddy Production run

    another new product we're bringing out to market. Used on a deer stand as a place to put branches in to break up the silhouette of the hunter and stand. Very basic and easy but we've had a lot of requests for them. It's 6063 C channel and pipe welded at 200 amps using a PP256 and W300 cooler. As always it performed flawlessly. Used 3/32 2% thoriated and 3/32 1.5% lanth along with 3/32 4043 filler. Fairly straight forward. I do wish I had the 250ex at times like this but duty cycle wasn't a factor at all on these. I just don't think this machine can be beat for the price and the features!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    That branch buddy is a great idea. I also see a Tig Finger from Jody at in that picture. They are great.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
    17 series gas cooled Tig Torch for Low Amp Solar Tig (Direct Solar Panel Powered Tig welding)
    Hobart Handler 187 Mig / Fluxcore
    EVERLAST PowerUltra 205P
    EVERLAST PowerTig 250 EXT 2013 Model

  3. #3


    200 amps sounds like quite a bit of power - why so many amps?
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  4. Default

    I love the TIG fingerm but didn't get to use it on these luttle buggers. I used 200 amps to get in, get it hot and get out. It's all about speed and precision. I only dwell in the beginning for about a second then start throwing in the filler and the beads. By the time the first 1/2" bead was done and I moved onto the other tube I didn't have to wait at all but just floor it and start stacking dimes....then flip it out of the jig and put 2 tacks on the backsides and move onto the next one. I used a thick glove on my torch hand and a thin tillman on the feed hand. That way I could move it out and off to the side with the thick glove and just use the thin glove to feed the rod. I shoulda shot some video but I wanted to knock em out quick. I got another 20 or so to do once my buddy gets some more pipes cut and down my way so I'll try to remember and get some video then.

  5. #5


    Do they get anodized? Or do you leave 'em bare?
    Big Willy in Rockford, Il. Power Pro 205, Lincoln 140 Mig, Oxy/Acetylene rig with a Cobra Torch, Full up Motorcycle shop.
    Active Ironbutt Member.

  6. Default anodizing for these.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Speaking of items in the background, the empty beverage container helps by giving a sense of scale to the photo, too. :-) How does the finished product mount to the stand- does the c channel sit on a rail?

    I'm wondering if Wruehl's question about the finish is because they are so bright, does that reflect sunlight.

    Nice website, btw!
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  8. Default

    They are drilled and tapped on the backside and a setscrew is used to hold them to the tree stand. That way it's kind of a universal fit. I think these will be getting a shot of dark paint to cover the shiny metal. These are just the first 50 or so to get out and I guess we'll see how the market treats it. If we are able to find someone to anodize them for a reasonable price then we may have to do that on the next ones and I'll switch on over to 5356 filler. It is an extremely simple design that utilizes some very basics of camoflaging to break up the outlines. I was skeptical at first too and anyone with any experience and a welder can make them, but for some people out there it's just easier to buy it and call it done. It's a big ticket for guys hunting turkey or with deer stands that are a bit lower to the ground

    The website is going through a lot of changes soon I guess but hell, we just started this whole company at the beginning of the year essentially so it's going to take a while to get things sorted out. Thanks for the positive comments!

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