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Thread: I-mig 200

  1. #1

    Default I-mig 200

    Last edited by kenwhite; 02-19-2012 at 12:25 PM.
    Everlast Power I-MIG 200
    Everlast PowerUltra 205P
    Everlast SM 200-N
    Thermal Dynamics Cutmaster 42

  2. #2


    The unit should, or at least that is what is supposed to happen.

  3. #3


    Ken there should be some way to adjust it. I've not had any problems with closure on those units. But I haven't seen everyone either. Which part exactly is giving issues? Is it the snaps?

  4. #4


    Understood. Don't open too much or the little spring loaded balls won't snap into place.

  5. #5


    Be sure that the white is used as the common on the 110V. It does matter. I thought we had mentioned this several times on here. But I will repeat it: DON'T USE THE PLUG SUPPLIED WITH THE UNIT IF YOU RECEIVE ONE WITH YOURS.

  6. #6


    I had/have the same issue. I bought an I-MIG200 in april that shipped with the new trafimet gun and no regulator. I sent a few emails to cust. service and got nothing back but the automated replies, so I'm trying here now.

    I have to say I'm pretty disappointed with the trafimet gun. it uses the same consumables as the harbor freight mig welders. the nozzle is a pain in the ### to remove because the spring retainer bites into the copper lining. thing welds like a champ, though. smoothest MIG beads I've ever seen.

  7. #7



    The Binzel is the same and will use the same consumables on this model as the trafimet as well. The nozzle will easily twist off. Never had any problems. You have to twist and pull and they come right off. The trafimet/Binzels will be around long after those cheapy guns that are standard on the competition units bite the dust. If you have fouled up your spring somehow, they do have replacements. JUST because it uses the same nozzles doesn't mean there is a quality issue. The contact tips also interchange with TWECO 11 series. Binzel, and trafimet have both euro design and share the same consumables because of the way the Euro patent system works.

  8. #8


    the big thing I don't like is you have to twist it the wrong way for it to come off, did it since it was new. you turn it right and it inches off a little bit at a time. the only other gun I've got any significant seat time with is the miller gun that came on my dad's millermatic 185. it has a copper ring with two bumps that secures the nozzle and it comes off easily(never had it fall off on a job, though).

  9. #9


    The Harbor freight consumables are a standard and will fit a lot of the 200 amp and under name brand torches on the market (binzel, tweco, trafimet, etc) like Mark mentioned. You can buy them all day at AG and prax, but HF is open Saturday and Sunday, which is a plus if you work on the weekend and need one.

    On our conical types nozzles you rock them off, twist them the wrong way and you can mess up the spring inside.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  10. #10


    I'll give rocking them a try tomorrow. interestingly enough, a flowmeter showed up on my doorstep today. apparently someone got my email, but never responded to it. strange, but much appreciated. I just bought a tig torch to try out scratch start with the I-MIG and needed the extra regulator (already bought one for the MIG).

    and having them available at HF is a bonus, they're just hard to take off to clean. again, I'll give rocking them a try tomorrow.

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