Not much of a job, but good job to get my feet wet working for myself. Guy needed three plates welded for his fence. I'm glad I did the job, I realized that I am terribly under powered for mobile welding. I have ordered a power arc 200 and a new 7,000 watt generator. Northern tool has a 5x8 trailer on sale for $329, I picked up one as well, it's a little difficult working our of a car, but it's all I got for now. I invested about $1,500.00 in a new generator, power arc 200, and trailer. If the jobs I have bid on work out, hopefully by next week I will have paid half of my investment back to savings. It was a good experience they guy was in business for himself and gave me some good advice. I realized that if you are going to do mobile welding you better have the right equipment or you can get into trouble fast.

That's right my welding rig is a Scion XB! 30mpg!