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Thread: pulser question

  1. #1

    Default pulser question

    On a PT250EX if I set the pulse on and low then set the pulse freq all the way to the left .20 and the pulse amps to 5% and pulse time on to 50%

    so should I see about 1 pulse every 5 seconds.
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

  2. #2


    Not sure how you are counting the pulse? What are you getting? Its an analog circuit, and each unit will vary somewhat. The idea is it is the minimum the unit will allow under perfect circumstances. From what you are thinking, I believe, you will see about 2 "flashes" in every 5 seconds ideally. But the bigger question is: Why on earth would you WANT to weld that way? 5% will yield significant weld defects. To much cooling. 5 seconds isn't practical.

  3. #3


    ok good to know that 5% is not a good setting - I wanted a slow pulse to help time feeding rod, and being new to this I dont move so fast so I want to slow down the pulse rate. With the setting I described above I was get less then 1 second between flashes
    sold my miller mig
    got a PT250EX
    saving up for a plasma cutter

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