Those wire standoffs on some plasma torches (PP 50 - S45 torch ) can be a pain, they get lost, broken or what ever and they cost when you go to replace them.
Today I decided to end that problem.
Bought a piece of 1 inch dowel, drilled a 13/32 hole in it and sliced off a bunch of little wooden washers 0.490 thick. They fit snugly on the torch tip and they maintain the 1/8 torch height that the wire standoff did and the best part is: they act as 1/2 inch offset guide for the torch to slide along a piece of flat bar for making nice straight cuts.
Try it you may like it, so far it is working for me.
Come to think of it , if you want to cut circles or arc's just drill a 13/32 hole in a piece of 1/2 inch plywood and another anchor hole for a bolt and you have a cheap circle cutter for your pp 50 torch.