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Thread: Those pesky plasma torch wire standoff's

  1. #1

    Default Those pesky plasma torch wire standoff's

    Those wire standoffs on some plasma torches (PP 50 - S45 torch ) can be a pain, they get lost, broken or what ever and they cost when you go to replace them.

    Today I decided to end that problem.

    Bought a piece of 1 inch dowel, drilled a 13/32 hole in it and sliced off a bunch of little wooden washers 0.490 thick. They fit snugly on the torch tip and they maintain the 1/8 torch height that the wire standoff did and the best part is: they act as 1/2 inch offset guide for the torch to slide along a piece of flat bar for making nice straight cuts.

    Try it you may like it, so far it is working for me.

    Come to think of it , if you want to cut circles or arc's just drill a 13/32 hole in a piece of 1/2 inch plywood and another anchor hole for a bolt and you have a cheap circle cutter for your pp 50 torch.
    Last edited by geezer; 05-24-2011 at 10:50 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by kenwhite View Post
    Thanks for the tip.

    You are welcome Ken, I'm saving my wire standoff for special events, like weddings, birthdays, that kinda thing, from now on I'm using wood, they are cheap and easy to make and I have lots of them handy.

  3. #3


    I know I am missing something but wood and a 10,000 deg. plasma arc don't seem to go together to well in my mind. I'm sure its safe if you use it but can you post a few pictures? I just cant get it right in my minds eye
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