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Thread: Anything new on foot pedal designs???

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    Don't flip the pot, you just have to reverse the two outer wires on the pot; leave the center wire at the center. Reversing the outer wires will reverse the logic of how it operates. Furthermore, if the full travel of the pedal does not move the pot through its full travel, you will have a slightly limited amp window.. you will not be able to hit both min and max amps on the pedal with the available stroke.

    In linear 50k pots, digikey
    has 250 260 280 295 300 312 314 degree rotation pots. Some will be easier to mount than others.

    You can get an idea of the actual rotation. Count the number of teeth on the gear that is on the pot. Count how many of the pot gear teeth are contacted by the gear that turns the gear on the pot.
    Pot_Rotation = 360 * (Contacted_Teeth / Total_Teeth)
    Suppose the gear has 24 teeth, and 20 of them are contacted.
    You would say 360*(20/24) = 300 degrees.
    You would want a 300 degree pot.

    Another option is to count the pot gear teeth and the teeth on the gear that turns the pot gear. Mark one of the teeth on the gear that turns the pot gear, press the pedal, and count the number of teeth that pass from where you marked. This way you can determine exactly how many degrees of pot rotation you want. This is a very simple and exact approach.

    If you mark a tooth and take a pic of it then move it to the other extreme, and take another pic, I can easily determine the exact number of degrees that it rotated.
    Last edited by parkour; 06-23-2011 at 05:19 AM.

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