Personally speaking, if you haven't 'been there, done that' (ie-in this case own/use either's products), then you really can't speak with any validity.
I would say that you really shouldn't listen to the naysayers with no 'product experience' that lurk/advise on any forum.
As far as the 'rah-rah' 'American Made only' rhetoric goes, I would pay to see the DD214's on these whining 'don't buy imports' patriots of the USA. I can almost guarantee that not a single one has ever 'served' their beloved country.
That said, my road with both Everlast & Longevity has been a little bumpy, but so far neither one has disappointed me...
(Everlast 'Tech support' is top shelf tho)
Last edited by ASE_MasterTech; 06-09-2011 at 01:07 AM.
-at the job-
Miller Dynasty 200DX
Miller Syncrowave 350
MillerMatic 250 (several)
Millermatic 350
Miller Bobcat 250 (Service Truck)
Lincoln AC225 (many)
Miller Spectrum 625 Plasma (several)
-At Home-
Everlast PP256
Longevity 256PI
"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.."