Project 3 from Worntorn. restoration of 100 year old Barn
This old Barn on our place was built by the Homesteaders 100 years ago from timbers dragged in from the back of the property , all hand hewn.
The exterior planks were so weatherbeaten on the south side that they were falling to bits. The before photo shows the North side, as bad as it looks the South end was in much worse shape, plus the big main doors had fallen off.
I decided to strap it and sheet it with colored metal. New doors also got built. The strapping was interesting. Because the barn structure is hand hewn logs, probably done by a farmer in a hurry, there were no straight lines. This meant for some inventive shimming/strapping with some of the straps cut on a taper from 3" at one end to almost nothing at the other end.
Well worth all the time and trouble to preserve something that has provided protection from the elements for both man and beast for all those years.
Last edited by worntorn; 06-10-2011 at 11:46 PM.
Everlast PP256
Everlast Imig 200
Everlast Power Ultra 205
P&H 400 amp A.C.
Miller 230 amp with Onan power