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Thread: Gardening

  1. #1

    Default Gardening

    I hate cutting I made a garden...This was last years. It was too dry this year to make anything What little I did plant suffered badly until the heat put it out of its misery.

    However, the fall is on its way. Greens and a few other vegetables do quite well here if the insects stay away.
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  2. #2


    Thats cool . I am getting ready to do a garden this year with my sister behind her house .

  3. #3


    Nothing tastes better than a home grown tomato. I just recently moved off the farm to town and I plant a garden in between my two garages that is about 20'x20' and its not big enough. I also still grow about an acre of pumpkins with my dad that range from little ornamental ones to the the giants last year our biggest one was just over 300 lbs, not big enough to enter any contests but still respectable. I'll have to post some pictures of my garden this summer.
    Hobart 140 mig
    Century 300 amp AC stick
    Oxy-Accetylene torch
    Milwaukee 14" chop saw
    Evolution compound miter cold cut saw

  4. #4


    I'm getting a late start this year, and mixing it up a little, not planting as much of some things, non of others, and some new things.

  5. #5


    I got a little garden myself. Not as big as that one. Enough to get some of that fresh garden food. I do a bit of tomato canning. I didnt do that well last year. Got a couple jars out of it. My favorite thing out of my gardening so far has to be the golden potatoes I planted two years back. I never thought a potato could taste so good.

    I have a 250 EX welder and several other machines and equipment to allow for small scale manufacturing and prototyping of inventions

    I am located in Oregon about 20 minutes west of Portland

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